
At the Institute of Electronic Commerce and Digital Markets we offer a variety of Bachelor's and Master's level courses in the field of Digital Business.

Well on the Geschwister-Scholl-Platz with wintery atmosphere

Winter Semester 2024/25

Here you can find the current course catalog for the winter semester 2024/25.

Winter Semester 2024/25

Teaching at the Institute of Electronic Commerce and Digital Markets

At the Institute of Electronic Commerce, it is important to us to prepare our students methodically for a future in the digital economy with a mix of practical and methodical seminars.

Bachelor students taught

In the Electronic Commerce lecture

Cooperation with

Partner companies in the Master's project course

Supervised theses

on Bachelor's and Master's level

Course Catalog

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Bachelor Thesis

As a bachelor student of business administration at LMU you have the opportunity to write a bachelor thesis at our institute. We offer several application periods per year, which you can find on our website. Bachelor theses at our institute are always literature theses. All thesis topics can be written in German as well as in English. Please note that each topic is assigned only once. For guidance on possible topics, please see our research page as well as the profile pages of the supervisors.

Master Thesis

As a master student of business administration at LMU you have the opportunity to write a master thesis at our institute. We offer several application deadlines per year, which you will find on our website.You can find orientation on possible topics on our research page as well as on the profile pages of the supervisors.

Letters of Reference

The Institute of Electronic Commerce and Digital Markets offers students support with letters of reference who are applying for a semester abroad or a Master program (German or English). Please note:

  • For a letter of reference for a semeser abroad we require proof of successful completion of one of our courses with a grade of 2.3 or better
  • For a letter of reference for a Master-program we require proof of successful completion of two of our courses with a grade of 2.3 or better, where each grade is valued according to its ECTS points OR successful participation in one of our seminars/courses where you made a presentation OR final thesis under ECM supervision

Please send your up to date statement to Sekretariat

Also, we appreciate it if you send your current resumé and provide relevant information such as where you are going to apply, your motivation, what you have prepared or if you know the recipient of your letter of reference (contact name, address, perhaps applicant number). Some universities have their own forms or offer online procedures, please let us know, also if there is a deadline.

If you do not meet the requirements please understand that we cannot provide a letter of reference.