Course Overview
This course offers an introduction to data analytics. Data analytics is crucial in helping firms to solve today’s business challenges. Participants of this seminar will be exposed to tools and methods that support data-driven decision making. Besides developing participants’ skills in empirical data analysis, this course prepares students for writing an empirical Master’s thesis.
While many students have theoretical knowledge of econometric concepts, they often lack experience in applying those concepts to empirical problems before commencing their Master’s thesis. This seminar is intended to step into this gap. Each student (or student team) will be assigned a recent research paper in the field of electronic commerce, which was published in an international journal. Students will replicate the main empirical results of the respective paper and provide and discuss additional analyses beyond the findings of the original paper.
The seminar takes an applied econometrics approach with a focus on valuable econometric methods for (causal) inference in economics and marketing. The seminar’s emphasis is on applications and interpretation of results. The seminar involves participation in three econometrics workshops, writing a seminar paper based on the replication project, and a final presentation of the results.
The aim of the seminar is to develop students’ skills in empirical data analysis. Particularly, this involves the improvement of their data-analytic thinking as well as training and hands-on experience in applying a statistical software.
Application Procedure
Please send us your current CV, a transcript of records (full LSF transcript including ALL courses – failed and passed), and a short statement why you want to participate in this seminar. Please send your application to the secretary's office by April 6, 2025.
Please note: Participation in the kick-off session means your registration is binding. For further information see also the examination board’s regulations