Our teaching program at a glance

Institute for Digital Management and New Media

Courses BWL - Bachelor and Master

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Bachelor, ABWL

Bachelor, Specialization Digital Business

Master, BWL

PhD students


*The courses Wirtschaftsinformatik and Digitale Unternehmung are offered alternatly with Institut für Electronic Commerce und Digitale Märkte.
**Specific information Studium Lehramt and Studium BWL Nebenfach can be found here.


Bachelor, ABWL

Bachelor, Specialization Digital Business

Master, BWL


*The courses Wirtschaftsinformatik and Digitale Unternehmung are offered alternatly with Institut für Electronic Commerce und Digitale Märkte.
**Specific information Studium Lehramt and Studium BWL Nebenfach can be found here.

Information for students of minor subject and teaching degree

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For course offerings beyond the undergraduate curriculum, please see the pages for the corresponding degree programs.

Information on the courses "Grundlagen der Betriebswirtschaftslehre für Nebenfach- und Lehramtsstudierende" can be found on the following pages:



Application Subject Media Management (Bachelor/Master Media Informatics)

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General information


An overview of the courses that can be credited for students of Media Informatics (B.Sc./M.Sc.) can be found in the adjoining tabs.

If you do not study according to the Examination and Study Regulations Bachelor Media Informatics PStO (2019) (i.e. start of studies from WS 18/19) - i.e. if you started your studies in WS 2017/18 or earlier, please contact us if you have any questions regarding the course of studies or courses offered.

Your contact person: Dr. Birgit Bodenstein-Köppl

Dr. Birgit Bodenstein-Köppl

Bachelor Media Informatics (B.Sc.): Application Subject "Media Management"


The options for seminars at our institute are the following:

  • Winterterm: Empirisches Hausarbeitenseminar (advanced seminar)
  • Summerterm: Theoretical Hausarbeitenseminar (advanced seminar)

B.Sc. in Medieninformatik: Anwendungsfach Medienwirtschaft (PDF, 2,028 KB)

Master Media Informatics (M.Sc.): Application Subject "Media Management"


As of SS 22, the course "Digitalization, Transformation and Management" will be replaced by the course "Managing Digital Media". A written exam for the course "Managing Digital Media" will be offered from SS 22.

  • An exam based on the content (SS 21 - "Digitalization, Transformation and Management" will be offered for the last time in SS 22.
M.Sc. in Medieninformatik: Anwendungsfach Medienwirtschaft (PDF, 1,705 KB)

Structured doctoral training program

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Research Methods in Information Systems

  • Language: English

  • Participation: PhD students of all Munich Information Systems Chairs, preferably in their first year of employment and PhD students of the participating universities who are taking Information Systems as a major or minor subject, provided that there are still free places available.

  • Registration: Until mid of September, via e-mail

  • Examination: MBR students are required to write an essay on an information systems paper of their choice, which thematically deals with a specific research methodology or a research approach. More information will be provided in the course.

  • Valuation: 2 SWS for Module B/I for MBR students / 3 ECTS

  • Coordination: Prof. Dr. Thomas Hess

  • Administrative Notes: Requirements for participation: Active doctoral student status; Capacity limits: none

  • Course Contents: The goal of the course is to teach the doctoral students the most important methods relevant for information systems. The lecturers of the participating chairs give an insight into the methods they use.

  • Materials, Dates, Location and Course Plan: via e-mail after registration

Forschungsseminar "Digitales Management und Neue Medien"

  • Themen:
    • laufende Forschungsprojekte und übergreifende Fragen der Forschung
    • Plattform für Gastvorträge externer Wissenschaftler

  • Zielgruppe: Doktorandinnen und Doktoranden mit dem Schwerpunkt "Digitales Management und Neue Medien", auf Einladung

  • Modus: Blockveranstaltungen und ergänzende Einzeltermine

  • Durchführung: Prof. Dr. Thomas Hess


Managing Digital Media

  • Im Sommersemester bieten wir PhD Studierenden an, die Veranstaltung "Managing Digital Media" zu besuchen und eine Prüfungsleistung abzulegen. Allgemeine Kursinformationen finden Sie bei unserem Lehrangebot im Master.

  • Eine Vorabanmeldung ist notwendig. Schreiben Sie hierzu bitte eine E-Mail an die aktuelle Kontaktperson, die im LSF angegeben ist.

  • Zielgruppe: MBR Studierende

Forschungsseminar "Digitales Management und Neue Medien"

  • Themen:
    • laufende Forschungsprojekte und übergreifende Fragen der Forschung
    • Plattform für Gastvorträge externer Wissenschaftler

  • Zielgruppe: Doktorandinnen und Doktoranden mit dem Schwerpunkt "Digitales Management und Neue Medien", auf Einladung
  • Modus: Blockveranstaltungen und ergänzende Einzeltermine
  • Durchführung: Prof. Dr. Thomas Hess

Further study programs

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Master (M.Sc.) Management & Digital Technologies (MMT)


The Master's program "Management and Digital Technologies" (MMT) was created as a special offer and started in the winter semester 2016/2017. It is offered jointly by the Faculty of Business Administration, the Faculty of Mathematics, Computer Science and Statistics and the Institute of Computer Science at LMU Munich.

The MMT is an interdisciplinary and English-language program that trains highly qualified young professionals in the field of management and digital technologies. The program is characterized by academic excellence, practice-oriented content and an international environment.

The Master lasts four semesters and leads to the degree "Master of Science" (120 ECTS credits).

For more information, visit the program's website

International Triple Degree – M.Sc. in Management