• DE - Bitte beachten: Es gibt keine deutsche Webseite für diesen Studiengang, da der MMT nur in Englisch angeboten wird.
  • EN - Please note: This page has no German version because this course is only offered in English.

Website overview

Why MMT?

The MMT sits at the intersection of business, digital technology, and information systems. It stands out for its clear focus on aspects of digital transformation, digital ventures, and the potential of digital technologies. Excellent research facilities translate into cutting-edge education for students. The program's international core provides students with a motivating and formative environment. After graduation, students benefit from attractive industrial, entrepreneurial, and academic placements.

Three core characteristics

Focused on digital transformation and digital ventures

  • Focused: Structured discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of using digital technologies from a business perspective.
  • Transformation and venture: Central topics include the innovative and competitive use of digital technologies in established businesses, as well as the development of digital start-ups.

Excellence in theory and practice

  • Interdisciplinary and research-oriented: Students from business and IT backgrounds gain and implement cutting-edge knowledge in digital technology applications.
  • Superior employability: The blend of high practical relevance and academic excellence equips graduates to pursue careers in leading established companies, start-ups, or academia.

International orientation

  • International network: Students gain important intercultural and social skills and learn to think globally as a result of the high proportion of international students.
  • English program: All core courses, electives, and the thesis are in English.

MMT in motion

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3:17 | 16 Nov 2023 | ©LMU SOM MMT

News and events

MMT in numbers

Students with a non-business background

Students in MMT that have bachelor's degree in fields other than business

International students

Students with a bachelor's degree obtained outside germany.