
Today, digital technologies have strategic potential that goes far beyond increasing efficiency. It includes modified organizational and management concepts, new products, processes, and business models, as well as changed value creation structures. Our goal is to understand these developments and show companies concrete design options.


The objective of our research

Our goal is to support companies in systematically tapping the potential of digital technologies. We want to understand these developments and show companies concrete options for shaping them.

Impulses for projects arise from new technological options, from new theoretical or methodological approaches, and from persistent real-world problems.

Current research fields: Digital change of companies, Data-based business concepts, Digital media companies, Process and algorithmic management.

A complete overview of our publications can be found here: Publications DMM

All details of our publications can be found here: Publications in detail

Digital change of companies

Research area
Companies founded before the digital age must recognize the opportunities offered by digital technologies and deal with associated risks systematically and proactively. Suitable management structures and adequate instruments are required to manage digital change. Such structures and instruments are the focus of the work of this research group.
Current topics
- Basic concepts of digital change of companies
- Organizational identity and digital transformation
- Digital transformation for mid-sized companies
- CDOs and digital innovation units
- The role of capabilities in digital transformation
- Business models in ecosystems
- Strategies for digital transformation
Prof. Dr. Thomas Hess
Dr. Bastian Wurm
Mathias Bohrer
Julia Kraus
Pauline Liebert
Linus Lischke
Dr. Laura Lohoff
Publications Digital change of companies
Partnerships in this research area

Digital media companies

Research area
Media companies are the group of companies that were first confronted with the opportunities and risks of the digital transformation. The aim of this research focus is to understand the impact of these technology-driven developments on the value creation of media companies and to develop and test innovative solution concepts.
Current topics
- Revenue models for media companies
- Personalization of content offers
- Deep Fakes
- Incentives for the generation of user-generated content
- Business models and digitization strategies for media companies
- Use of AI and VR by media companies
Prof. Dr. Thomas Hess
Yuyang Dai
Joseph Nserat
Nina Zwingmann
Publications Digital media companies
Partnerships in this research area

Data-based business concepts

Research area
A previously unimaginable amount of data is now available for the management of companies. This data is often created as a by-product of the use of various application systems. Likewise, the technologies for merging and evaluating large amounts of data have evolved significantly.
Current topics
- Privacy among consumers and in the workplace
- Corporate privacy strategies
- Privacy in the metaverse
- Inverse transparency and leadership
- Data spaces and their management
Prof. Dr. Thomas Hess
Dr. Rahild Neuburger
Jana Ammann
Pauline Liebert
Ronja Schwinghammer
Publications Data-based business concepts
Partnerships in this research area

Process & algorithmic management

Research area
Business processes are the nexus in which organizations perform work and generate value. Due to the ongoing digitalization in all economic sectors, companies must continuously evaluate the potential of new technologies, implement them and adapt their processes accordingly. More and more, digital technologies are not only used to support employees, but act autonomously or even as managers. How technologies are used in processes and change those processes represents the core concern of the research group. Usually, an empirical approach is chosen to study these topics.
Current topics
- Control of employees by algorithms
- Cooperation of managers and algorithms
- Use of digital twins in companies
- Value generation through process mining
- Structural mechanisms for process management
- Process changes through internal and external factors
- Methodological innovations through digital data
Dr. Bastian Wurm
Luc Becker
Publications Process & algorithmic managment
SAP Signavio
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin – Prof. Jan Mendling and Lukas Pfahlsberger
University of Liechtenstein - Prof. Jan vom Brocke and Dr. Thomas Grisold
Universität zu Köln - Prof. Christoph Rosenkranz and Pascal Budner

Foundations of business informatics

Research area
We are engaged in the further development of the technical and methodological foundations of business informatics. An overview of these works can be found under Publications.
Publications Foundations of business informatics