Institutes, professorships and research centers

With 26 institutes and professorships as well as three research centers, the LMU Munich School of Management forms a firm base of excellence in the worldwide research and teaching of business administration.

The institutes, professorships and the research centers bundle their cooperation in teaching and research across institutes in five clusters with different research focuses.

18 of 26 professors in the winter semester of 2023/24

Finance & Insurance

Elsas big
Prof. Dr. Ralf Elsas

Institute for Finance & Banking

Chairholder and Head

Prof. Dr. Markus Glaser

Institute for Capital Markets and Corporate Finance

Head of Institute

Prof. Dr. Andreas Richter

Institute for Risk Management and Insurance

Head of the Institute

Prof. Dr. Ryan Riordan

Institute for Financial Innovation & Technology

Head of Institute

Prof. Dr. Johannes Jaspersen

Behavioral Risk Management and Insurance

Holder of the Professorship

Accounting & Taxation

Prof. Dr. Thorsten Sellhorn

Institute for Accounting, Auditing and Analysis

Head of the Institute

Prof. Dr. Christian Hofmann

Institute for Accounting and Control

Head of Institute - Dean

Prof. Dr. Deborah Schanz, StB

Institute for Taxation and Accounting

Head of the Institute

Prof. Dr. Ivo Schedlinsky

Professorship for Managerial Accounting

Head of Professorship

Marketing & Innovation Management

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Marko Sarstedt

Institute for Marketing

Head of the Institute

Prof. Dr. Manfred Schwaiger

Institute for Market-based Management

Head of the Institute & Dean of Studies

Prof. Dr. Jelena Spanjol

Institute for Innovation Management

Head of Institute

Prof. Dr. Ali Aslan Gümüşay

Innovation & Entrepreneurship Center (IEC)

Professor of Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Sustainability

Prof. Dr. Martin Paul Fritze

Professorship in Marketing with a Focus in Consumer Behavior

Head of Professorship

Information Systems & Digital Business

Prof. Dr. Martin Spann

Institute of Electronic Commerce and Digital Markets

Head of the Institute

Prof. Dr. Thomas Hess

Institute for Digital Management and New Media

Head of Institute

Prof. Stefan Feuerriegel

Institute of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Management

Head of Institute

Prof. Dr. Johann Kranz

Professorship of Digital Services and Sustainability

Director of the Professorship

Management & Strategy

Prof. Dr. Jörg Claussen

Professorship for Strategic Organization Design


Prof. Dr. Martin Högl

Institute for Leadership and Organization

Head of Institute

Prof. Dr. Tobias Kretschmer

Institute for Strategy, Technology and Organization

Head of Institute

Prof. Dr. Helene Tenzer

Professorship for International Management

Holder of Professorship

Prof. Dr. Anja Tuschke,

Institute of Strategic Management

Head of the Institute

Prof. Dr. Ingo Weller

Institute for Human Capital Management

Head of the Institute

Human Resource & Education Management

Prof. Dr. Susanne Weber

Institute of Human Resource Education & Management

Head of Institute

Prof. Dr. Samuel Mühlemann

Institute of Human Resource Education & Management / Professorship of Human Resource Education & Development


Research Posts

Dr. Rahild Neuburger

Research Center for Information, Organization and Management

Marketing, Relationship & Career Center (MRCC)

Prof. Dr. Yvette Hofmann

Center for Higher Education Research and Governance

Adjunct Faculty

Prof. Dietmar Harhoff, Ph.D.

Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition