Managing complex marketing issues

In a comprehensive and scientifically based marketing education, the Institute for Marketing equips students with the necessary tools for the job.


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Courses in Winter Term

Please refer to the respective course homepage for the course language.



Course Design

In the spirit of varied, state-of-the-art teaching, we offer a mix of digital and analog teaching elements. All materials and interactions are coordinated via Moodle. Many courses and exams are in English. Central teaching content is made available as a video afterwards.

Courses in Summer Term

Please refer to the respective course homepage for the course language.



Course Design

In the spirit of varied, state-of-the-art teaching, we offer a mix of digital and analog teaching elements. All materials and interactions are coordinated via Moodle. Many courses and exams are in English. Central teaching content is made available as a video afterwards.

Digital teaching

The last few years have seen the emergence of a variety of digital teaching formats. Even if not all formats have proven to be useful and sustainable, there are many aspects of digital teaching that also make sense in a post-corona era - especially in view of the changing media usage behavior of our students. The Institute of Marketing has explored a variety of approaches and developed formats that not only facilitate the day-to-day lives of our students, but also promote the dovetailing of university teaching with practice. These include short summaries of course content and practitioner videos as well as VR consultations.


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B.Sc. Thesis

General Information

As a student of the Faculty of Business Administration at LMU you have the opportunity to write your thesis at our institute. We offer a range of questions that we assign to specific thematic blocks within our research and teaching.

Important Facts

  • Start at any time
  • Theoretical and empirical theses
  • 70.000 characters (incl. (incl. spaces, without bibliography and appendix) and presentation in colloquium
  • 30 ECTS
  • Processing time eight weeks


  • Passed lectures in the Marketing and Innovation Management Cluster (Institute of Marketing, Institute of Innovation Management and Institute of Market-Oriented Management)
  • Specialization in Marketing & Strategy
  • Successful completion of advanced seminar
  • Note on transcript: Eligibility for admission to bachelor thesis


  • German and English language
  • Please note our guidelines (PDF, 405 KB)
  • Topics are provided by the chair (Please inform yourself about our topics)
  • Industry based theses possible, but must be organized by students themselfs


  • Application via email to
  • The following documents and information have to be submitted (1) curriculum vitae, (2) transcript of grades (Master & Bachelor), (3) application form (PDF, 250 KB) (PDF, 381 KB), (4) one-page letter of motivation
  • 4-6 weeks before desired start of writing

Upon confirmation of receipt of your application, the respective supervisors will contact you directly within five business days.


When you register your thesis, we will enroll you in the Moodle course for the Bachelor Colloquium. From this point on, your presence at every meeting of the colloquium is mandatory, even if you do not present yourself. If you are ever unable to attend, please inform your supervisor well in advance by email.

In the second half of the eight-week processing period, you will present your results in a 15-minute colloquium. The purpose of the colloquium is to obtain feedback on the current status of your work and to clarify open questions regarding the further course of your work. The presentation in the colloquium on the agreed date is obligatory. This is followed by a Q&A session. The presentation will be evaluated (pass/fail) but not graded. You must pass it.

Submission of the B.Sc. thesis

Final theses are submitted to the ISC. Please inform yourself about the modalities on the ISC website. In addition, please send an electronic version of the thesis and all results (data sets, syntax files, Excel files, etc.) to your supervisor via wetransfer.

M.Sc. Thesis

General information

As a student of the Faculty of Business Administration at LMU you have the opportunity to write your thesis at our institute. We offer a range of questions around marketing, consumer behavior and research methods.

Important facts M.Sc. thesis

  • Start at any time
  • Theoretical and empirical master theses
  • 120.000-140.000 characters (incl. spaces, without bibliography an appendix) and presentation in colloquium
  • 30 ECTS
  • Processing time 22 weeks


The number of students accepted to write a thesis depends on the available capacity at the Institute for Marketing. In addition, please check the ISC website for the examination requirements of your program of study.


  • German or English language
  • Please note our guidelines (PDF, 405 KB)
  • Topics are provided by the chair (Please inform yourself about our topics)
  • Theses in cooperation with companies are possible under certain conditions. More information LINK


  • Application via email
  • The following documents and information have to be submitted (1) curriculum vitae, (2) transcript of grades (Master & Bachelor), (3) application form (PDF, 250 KB) (PDF, 381 KB), (4) one-page letter of motivation
Upon confirmation of receipt of your application, the respective supervisor will contact you directly within five business days.


When you register your thesis, we will enroll you in the master colloquium Moodle course. From this point on, your presence at every meeting of the colloquium is mandatory, even if you do not present yourself. If you are ever unable to attend, inform your supervisor well in advance via email.

In the second half of the 22-week processing period, you will present your results in a 15-minute colloquium. The purpose of the colloquium is to obtain feedback on the current status of your work and to clarify open questions regarding the further course of your work. The presentation in the colloquium on the agreed date is mandatory. Each presentation is followed by a Q&A session. You must pass the colloquium presentation.

Submission of the M.Sc. thesis

Final theses are submitted to the ISC. Please inform yourself about the modalities on the ISC website. In addition, please send an electronic version of the thesis and all results (data sets, syntax files, Excel files, etc.) to your supervisor via wetransfer.

We encourage you to propose your own topics. For this purpose, please orientate yourself on the main topics of the institute and address questions concerning the topics to the corresponding research assistant.

Theses in cooperation with practical partners (Master only) are conditionally possible.
Read more about Cooperative Theses.

Topic Domains:

  • Virtuel Reality & Metaverse (Contact: Regensburger)
    • Virtual & augmented reality
      Specific topic:
      Effectiveness of positive and negative stimuli to change behavior and attitudes through virtual reality (empirical data collection, Master)
    • Digital Marketing
    • Behavioral changes
      Specific topics:
      How can behavioral and attitude changes be brought about and influenced in a playful way using digital technologies? (Literature research, Bachelor)
      How do positive and negative stimuli affect attitudes and behavior? (Literature research, Bachelor)
  • How context affects decision-making (Contact: Adler)
    • Context effects
    • Sensory marketing
    • Social influences
  • Meta-research (Contact: Adler)
    • Replications
    • Open science
    • Bibliometrics
  • Cryptomarketing (Contact: Rau)
    • Influence of blockchain technologies and NFTs on consumers
  • Silicon Sampling (Contact: Rau)
    • Use of LLMs for market research



In order to receive a letter of recommendation, we must have been able to form an impression of you in person. In addition to a grade point average of better than 2.5, at least one of the following points must also apply to you:

  • Visiting a seminar or project course at the Institute for Marketing
  • Writing your final thesis at our institute
  • Marketing Excellece Circle membership
  • Employment as a student assistant at our institute

Please note that attendance at our lectures (e.g. Business Management & Marketing or Marketing Analytics) is not sufficient to apply for a letter of recommendation.

Required documents

Letter of motivation, including:

  • Purpose of the letter of recommendation
  • Justification of the choice of institute
  • Nomination of the supervisor at our institute
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Current transcript of grades
Please send your application to Processing time may take up to four weeks.