Academic Career

  • since September 2021: Research Assistant and Ph.D. Student at the Institute for Marketing
  • 2018 - 2021: Research Assistant and Ph.D. Student at the Chair of Marketing, Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Deutschland
  • 2016 - 2018: Master of Science in Consumer Psychology and Market Research, Harz University of Applied Sciences, Wernigerode, Deutschland
  • 2015 - 2017: various positions at K&A BrandResearch AG, Röthenbach an der Pegnitz, Deutschland
  • 2012 - 2015: Bachelor of Science in Business Psychology, Harz University of Applied Sciences, Wernigerode, Deutschland

Grants and Fellowships

  • Since November 2022: Add-on Fellowship for Interdisciplinary Economics and Interdisciplinary Business Administration, Joachim Herz Foundation
  • 2019 – 2021: Graudate Scholarship (“Landesgraduiertenförderung”) Sachsen-Anhalt (Harz University of Applied Sciences, Wernigerode)

Research Interests

I research the intersection between consumer decision-making and metascience. Therefore, my research incorporates two themes. First, I focus on consumer decision-making in complex environments with contextual factors such as sensory stimuli. While individual research findings provide valuable insights into the decision-making process, it is often higher-level structures that determine the direction and development of a scientific field. My second research theme, therefore, incorporates a metascience perspective aiming at a more integrative understanding and use of existing knowledge in consumer research. I employ, for example, bibliometric methods that identify academic structures and latent research themes as well as engage in synthesizing research to better understand what we already know. Tying into this area, I am also engaging with the reproducibility and replicability of research results, as well as with Open Science.

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