If any questions remain unanswered, please contact us via email.
Admission process and general requirements
The application process (in short):
Application submission: From February 1st until May 15th
Application review: Until the end of May
Candidate assessment: Mid-June
Final decision: Until the end of June
Application process
Applicants can only apply in the year they intend to start the MMT. The MMT program follows the German semester structure and timetable. It thus begins with the start of each winter term in October.
Applicants are required to submit their application via the online application form (see below). There is a two-stage application process: the procedure is subject to the University Senate's approval of the amendment to the Articles of Association.
The first level will assess the eligibility through the formal criteria, and the second level will evaluate the performance in the essay.
The application requires an essay in addition to personal information, education, work experience, and transcripts. The essay (maximum 5 pages) is designed to determine whether you have the skills and knowledge that are pivotal to your success in the MMT program. The essay is limited to 5 pages and will include a management and an informatics challenge.
In case an application is not successfull, an applicant may repeat the application once.
Please read the application requirements for internationals (see below) and educational residents(Germans and internationals with a German degree, see below) carefully before starting your MMT application.
Application form and documents
The application form is available from February 1st, 2024 until May 15th, 2025.
Your application will require the following information and documents:
Personal information
Information on your education and the suitability of your major and minor (including the courses counting towards your minor). Note: If you need to catch up on informatics ECTS counting towards your minor, consider our MMT-specific online course, Basics in Programming
Bachelor certificate (or transcript if eligible)
Certificate for proof of English proficiency
Curriculum Vitae (CV)
Completed Essay Assignment (Exercises 1 and 2)
To finalize your application, upload all the required documents in the web form.
For guidance on using generative and AI tools, refer to the LMU's recommendations
Online candidate assessment days
If an application fulfills the requirements and the essay assignment is successful, students are invited to participate in a two-day online assessment event (2024: 19 and 20th of June).
Day 1: Written examination - open questions in business administration and informatics topics.
Day 2: Oral examination - group interview of four candidates held by two professors with a background in business and informatics (60 minutes).
If both the written and oral examinations are successful, you will be accepted into the MMT program.
Admission and enrollment
In the case of a successful application, you will receive a letter of acceptance that enables enrollment at LMU.
German educational residents (Germans and internationals with a German university degree): Enroll at Studentenkanzlei.
Internationals (with foreign education): Apply at the International Office until July 15th of the respective intake year. International students may enroll at theStudentenkanzlei only after receiving an additional letter of acceptance from the International Office.
Please review the FAQ section for further details.
Application requirements for internationals
For the chance of a successful application, internationals must fulfill the following requirements:
Certificate of a Bachelor’s degree (min. 180 ECTS credits) either in:
Business (or a related field) that includes a min. of 20 ECTS in Informatics (note: if you need to catch up on informatics ECTS counting towards your minor consider our MMT-specific online course 'Basics in Proramming') or
informatics (or a related field) that includes a min. of 20 ECTS in business.
Proof of English language skills of min. C1 (further details on accepted certificates in FAQs).
Native speakers and those with a degree fully instructed in English (High school, Bachelor, Master) do not need to prove their English language skills. We may require documents that prove this circumstance.
Application requirements for educational residents
For the chance of a successful application, educational residents must fulfill the following requirements:
Certificate of a Bachelor’s degree (min. 180 ECTS credits) either in:
business (or a related field) with a min. of 20 ECTS in informatics (note: if you need to catch up on informatics ECTS counting towards your minor consider our MMT-specific online course 'Basics in Programming').
or informatics (or a related field) with a min. of 20 ECTS in business.
Grade of 2.3 or better (i.e. lower than 2.40, e.g. 2.39 would be sufficient) according to the German grading system.
Proof of English language skills of min. C1 (further details on accepted certificates, see below). Native speakers and those with a degree fully instructed in English (high school, Bachelor, Master) do not need to prove their English language skills. We will require documents that prove this circumstance.
In case of an incomplete Bachelor’s degree at the time of application.
German educational residents can apply by handing in a current transcript of records, which proves that min. 140 ECTS credit points are completed (with an average grade of 2.3 or better) of which:
min. 15 ECTS credits in informatics for applicants studying business (or related field).
min. 15 ECTS credits in business for applicants studying informatics (or related field).
If candidates are missing 5 ECTS credits in the minor, they have the chance to acquire them during the first year of their master's studies at LMU.
Accepted candidates must provide their bachelor's certificate (min. 180 ECTS credits incl. 20 ECTS credits in the minor) during the first year of their MMT studies otherwise the admission will be withdrawn.
LMU Applicants
Applicants, who studied business (B.Sc.) at LMU, can get the following subjects acknowledged as informatics credits:
Wirtschaftsinformatik (6 ECTS).
Digital Business Vertiefung: Students that pass two out of the three courses, Electronic Commerce, Management of Digital Technologies, or Digital Transformation von Unternehmen, gain an additional 3 ECTS in informatics.
Anwendungsfach Informatik [PO 2008]: Einführung in die Informatik: Systeme und Anwendungen (6 ECTS), Einführung in die Programmierung (9 ECTS).
Wahlpflicht Informatik [PO2015]: Einführung in die Informatik: Programmierung und Softwareentwicklung (6 ECTS), Datenbanksysteme I (6 ECTS), Betriebssysteme (6 ECTS), Einführung in die Informatik: Systeme und Anwendungen (6 ECTS), Rechnerarchitektur (6 ECTS), Datenbanksysteme für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler (3 ECTS), Content Management Systeme (3 ECTS).
Kompetenzbereiche der BWL [PO2015]: Introduction to AI (6 ECTS).
We offer a non-binding eligibility assessment of suitability of Bachelor education for application to the MMT. For example, we provide an initial assessment of your eligibility concerning which bachelor courses qualify for the 20 ECTS count towards a minor or major based on MMT criteria.
First, fill out our Excel Template indicating the courses counting towards your respective minor. You can download the required Excel Template (XLSX, 12 KB) here. Please note that we will not reply to incomplete inquiries. Thus, we will only assess the eligibility, if you fill out the contact form containing all information, including the transcript and Excel template.
Please note that this assessment is not binding and is only of indicative nature to highlight any uncertainty with courses and provide you with the potential to gain additional ECTS in other ways. If you do not fully fulfil the ECTS requirements for your minor yet, we can also provide you with explicit opportunities to collect more ECTS counting towards your business or informatics minor.
Please also review the application requirements in advance! A minor in either business or in informatics (depending on your major) is binding. Please also refer to the FAQ section to get insights on what counts towards the minor, how to convert your grade into the German grading system, and how to convert your credits into ECTS.
Upload form for non-binding eligibility assessment
Click here, if you want to upload the form for the non-binding eligibility assessment of the suitability of bachelor education for the MMT application.
Basics in Programming (BiP)
For those interested in the MMT and missing sufficient credits in informatics, we offer an MMT-tailored introduction to programming online course: Basics in Programming.
Eligibility for the BiP course
Please note that we will only accept prospectives for applying to the MMT into the BiP course. This means that your Bachelor degree's major has to be in accordance with the requirements of the MMT program and a final grade of 2.39 or better still needs to be achievable. If you are unsure about the requirements of the MMT program, please check our requirements again carefully. If unsure, please consult with mmt-bip@som.lmu.de first.
Aims of the BiP course
Teach basic knowledge in object-oriented programming
Foster the application of this knowledge in an own project
Prepare participants for an application to the Master’s program in Management and Digital Technologies and give opportunity to gain further informatics ECTS for your application
Application via link below: We will review your application and give feedback within 10 days
After successful review: Accepted to course
At desired start date: Access to course materials via moodle
14 days after start date: Exam and assignment hand-in
Pass-or-Fail notice
Applicants are required to register via the link below, where they specify their desired 2-week period, as well as the time for the final exam on the last day of the course. If the requirements for the course are met (see 'Eligibility'), you will get a 2-week access to the course materials via Moodle starting from the date specified during registration.
The course will be a self-study format with lecture and recap recordings as well as constant work on the final assignment. During the 14 days, participants are invited to ask questions in forums which will be regularly answered by the teaching staff. Participants are evaluated based on a final exam, as well as on a final assignment. Both deliverables get assessed on a pass-or-fail basis.The exam will take place on the last day of the 14-days period during a 1.5 hours time window.
If both the exam and the assignment are passed, 6 ECTS will be credited towards the applicant's Informatics minor for their application to the MMT Master's program. Since this course is specifically offered to prospective applicants, we do not provide certificates, but you will be informed in case of successful participation. The result will be automatically attributed to your MMT-application.
Are there tuition fees, and if yes, how high are they?
Public German universities such as LMU Munich do not charge tuition fees. There are, however, solidarity charges for the ‘Studentenwerk’ and for public transport (less than 150€ per semester in total).
How does the application process work?
You can find all relevant information about the MMT program, the requirements, the application process, and the deadlines on our website.
Can you give me information about other programs?
Since we´re only responsible for the coordination of the MMT program, unfortunately, we cannot give you information about other master´s programs. For further information, please visit the LMU website.
Do you offer any kind of information evenings regularly?
Yes, we offer about 2-3 meetings for prospective students every year. Please visit our websites for updates about information evenings.
What can I do if I am unable to present my bachelor's certificate at the time of my application?
Unfortunately, as an international student, you need to provide a copy of your completed bachelor's certificate at the time of application. No exceptions can be made. As an educational resident, you can apply by handing in a current transcript of records, which proves that min. 140 ECTS credit points have been completed (with an average grade of 2.39 or better). At least 15 out of the 20 ECTS in the minor have to be completed. The remaining 5 ECTS can be made up in the first year of the master's program at LMU.
Does my degree meet the requirements?
In general, an undergraduate degree in business administration or informatics is sufficient for a successful application to the MMT. You must have a minor in informatics (min. 20 ECTS) if your undergraduate degree is in the field of business administration. You must have a minor in business administration (min. 20 ECTS) if your undergraduate degree is in informatics. Furthermore, international students must have at least 20 ECTS points in the minor at the time of application. Educational residents need only 15 ECTS points and may take courses at the start of the MMT to make up the difference.
Am I eligible for the application if I didn´t study informatics or business as my bachelor?
We are also intereseted in students with backgrounds in related fields. In general, you only need at least 20 ECTS in business and 20 ECTS in informatics for a successful application.
Does it matter whether I have a lot of practical experience when I apply?
Unfortunately, practical experience cannot be taken into account. For a successful application, you have to meet the academic requirements for the MMT program.
Can the credits of another master's degree be used as the main basis for an application?
In general, it is essential that the bachelor's degree fulfills the requirements for the MMT. It is the main basis for your eligibility. However, in some cases, a master’s degree can be taken into account, for example, to bolster up your missing minor ECTS points.
How can I prepare myself for the written and oral exam?
A reading list with relevant literature for both tests will be provided well in advance of the tests.
I am invited to the two-day assessment event but cannot participate due to medical reasons.
In case of a disease or a medical emergency, there is the opportunity to take the tests at a different date (within time limits) if the applicant is able to present a valid medical certificate. If this is the case, please contact us as soon as possible.
Do I need to attend the candidate assessment in Munich in person?
No, the assessment center can be completed fully online. We do our best to account for different time zones, but inconveniences cannot be ruled out. However, the absence at the (online) assessment automatically leads to rejection of the application.
Is it possible to repeat the application?
The application may be repeated once.
In my online application, I forgot to upload some information. What should I do now?
In case an applicant fails to upload documents for the online application, these can be sent by email. Please do NOT start a second online application.
When can I apply?
The application period begins on the 1st of February and ends on the 15th of May of the year of desired enrollment.
Can you give me more information about the assessment days?
The assessment days will be held online. First, you will receive a written exam, which you will have to finish within 24 hours. On the second day, group interviews will take place. A reading list with relevant literature for both tests will be provided well in advance of the tests. We do our best to account for different time zones, but inconveniences cannot be ruled out. The absence at the (online) assessment automatically leads to rejection of the application.
ECTS stands for "European Credit Transfer System" and represents a unified measure of the workload of study efforts. It is a points-based system that aims to make the education at different European universities comparable.
I have acquired my bachelor's degree abroad. How can I convert my grade to the German grading system?
A foreign bachelor's grade can be translated to the German grading system by applying the following formula: N = 1 + 3 x ((Pmax – P) / (Pmax – Pmin))
N = translated average German grade in the German
P = final grade or points of the applicant’s bachelor's degree
Pmax = best possible grade or points achievable in the applicant’s Bachelor program
Pmin = minimum grade required to pass the Degree in the applicant’s Bachelor program
Is there a possibility to bypass the required final grade for the bachelor's degree of 2.3 or better?
No, there is no possibility to avoid this criterion. The bachelor's certificate (or transcript of records) needs to demonstrate a grade of 2.39 or better (=lower) according to the German grading system. Please notice that grades are cut rather than rounded after the first decimal place.
How do you treat the second decimal place of the final bachelor's grade if I have a grade between 2.31 and 2.39?
The so-called "Abschneideverfahren" (cut-off treatment) applies, which states that average grades are not rounded but cut after the first decimal place. E.g. the grades 2.31 to 2.39 will all be treated as 2.3.
How can I convert course credits, which do not comply with the ECTS system?
One ECTS credit point equals 30 working hours. If the bachelor's degree was awarded based on a different credit system, please provide us with the general conversion formula of the former university at the time of application.
What can I do if credit points in my minor are missing?
If an applicant has not earned the required amount of ECTS credits in the minor, there are opportunities to earn additional ECTS credits in online courses, and university institutes. Please contact mmt@bwl.lmu.de for further information.
Is it possible to compensate for missing ECTS credit points in the minor with former work experience in a relevant field?
No, work experience cannot replace any academic efforts. Furthermore, please keep in mind that practical work experience will not be taken into account for the application process.
How do you define "informatics"? Do general IT or computer courses (e.g. MS Office) count toward the required informatics minor?
Informatics courses must exercise algorithmic thinking and/or basic programming languages, such as Java or Python. Basic computer courses for business purposes (e.g. Excel modeling) cannot be recognized as informatics credits. Please contact us via e-mail in case you have doubts about your informatics subjects.
I am a (former) ‘business administration’ (BWL) bachelor’s student at the LMU. Which modules of this program are acknowledged as "informatics"?
Please read the section on ‘exceptions’ in the application requirements for educational residents for this information.
What are the prerequisites for CEFR English level C1, and how can I fulfill these requirements?
DAAD test (only for German applicants): min. level B (A (best) to F (worst)) in listening, spoken language, written language, and reading.
EFB (London Chamber of Commerce and Industry): min. level 3 out of 4 levels.
IELTS (academic version): min. 7.0 points out of 9.0 points.
Cambridge Certificate: pass the Certificate in Advanced English (CAE).
TELC: pass a test that verifies language level C1.
TOEFL: min. 95 out of 120 points (iBT).
When do I not need an extra test and proof of my English skills?
An English certificate is not required if you are a native English speaker or if you have obtained your bachelor's degree or high school diploma in English as the instruction language. In any case, we do require documents that prove this circumstance.
Is knowledge of the German language a prerequisite for my application?
No, applicants do not need to prove German skills at the time of their application. However, we highly encourage accepted international students to participate in the offered German language classes during their time at LMU. German skills are an important asset for increasing both living quality in Munich during studies and job opportunities after graduation.
Is there the option to study on a part-time basis?
The MMT Master’s is offered as a full-time degree only. In-person attendance is mandatory.Unfortunately, there is no part-time option available. However, students can working part-time during their studies. Please be aware that students are advised to strictly limit the time they spend working to ensure focus on university obligations.
Can I enroll in a higher semester?
In general, you cannot enroll in a higher semester. But if there are courses that students in the MMT program are required to take that you have already taken, or if there are great similarities in certain modules, you may not need to take them again.
Is there admission for the summer semester?
Unfortunately, the MMT program only starts in the winter semester. There is no possibility to begin the studies in the summer semester.
How can I prepare before coming to Germany as an overseas student?
Internationals find information on the things they should consider before moving to Germany (e.g. visa applications or health insurance) on the respective website of the Studentenwerk München.
Which possibilities for scholarships exist?
The MMT itself does not provide any scholarships. However, there are several opportunities offered by the LMU itself. For further information on that topic, please visit the website of the International Office.
Is there a mentoring concept available for the MMT program?
Yes, there is a mentoring program for MMT students in cooperation with our industry partners. Students receive further information at the beginning of the program.
Are there German language courses available for foreign students of the MMT program?
Yes, foreign students will be given the opportunity to participate in intensive German language classes (free of charge) that help them acquire a solid level of German during their MMT studies. Information on the courses is provided before the program starts.
Is it possible to do a semester abroad?
Semesters abroad are possible. ECTS are completed and credited at the partner universities.
Other questions I cannot find any answer(s) to my specific question(s).
Feel free to contact us via email at mmt@som.lmu.de.
Is there a possibility for a personal information and/or consulting appointment with regard to admissions-related questions?
Unfortunately, no. Please send us your questions via mmt@som.lmu.de.
You are welcome to contact us, if your question is not answered: Contact