News overview
All news at a glance.
Your career network starts here with the graduate book
Reach a large number of companies and make lifelong contacts with an entry in the alumni book. Priceless memories of your student days guaranteed!
New Article on Institutional Logics and Public Entrepreneurial Opportunities
Together with Prof. Petter Gullmark, Prof. Gry Agnete Alsos and Prof. Tommy Høyvarde Clausen, Prof. Ali Aslan Gümüsay has published a new article on institutional logics and public entrepreneurial opportunities.
Contribution to the FAIR BANKING magazine: Religion and values in the professional setting
Contribution by Prof. Gümüsay in the FAIR BANKING magazine on the role of religion and values in the professional context
New Paper on Norms of Contributorship on Digital Platforms in Organization Studies
This article examines Instagram’s moderation practices and how users employ poetic acts to challenge power structures and redefine platform norms.
“Top 40 unter 40” Prof. Dr. Ali Aslan Gümüsay
The business magazine Capital has honored the “Top 40 under 40” - including Prof. Dr. Ali Aslan Gümüsay.
New BMBF funding for the IMV-lab
The cooperative project Impact Measurement and Valuation Lab (IMV-Lab) has received new BMBF funding on the subject of ‘Standardisation and scaling of impact measurement and evaluation for social innovations’
EINSICHTEN interview Impact entrepreneurship, start-ups for societal good
Should entrepreneurial success be measured by profit alone? No, says Ali Gümüşay: A company can do both – make money and make the world a bit better. From the research magazine EINSICHTEN
The LMU IES at EGOS 2024
Our Desirable Futures standing working group community is thriving, bringing together scholars dedicated to making an impact with and through science.
The Impact Entrepreneurship Day at Ludwig Maximilians University (LMU)
The Impact Entrepreneurship Day at Ludwig Maximilians University (LMU) Munich rethinks the economy
New article on prospective theorizing
Together with Prof. Juliane Reinecke, Prof. Ali Aslan Gümüsay has published a new article on prospective theorizing.
New article on the emergence of Islamic banking in Germany
Commited actors, institutional complexity, and pathways to compromise: The emergence of Islamic banking in Germany
New article on self-transcendence & leadership
Self-transcendence allows people to behave non-egoistically. What for?
New article on grand challenges in the Global South
Impact without Imposition: How can academics from the Global North have an impact without imposing their ideas and mindset on people in the Global South? Three principles for rethinking and changing scholarly behavior.
New article on institutional complexity
New article on "Growing Institutional Complexity and Field Transition: Towards Constellation Complexity in the German Energy Field"
New article on digital organising
New article out - co-authored with Stephan Bohn, Dr. Georg von Richthofen & Georg Reischauer.
Handbook for measuring the impact of social innovations
How can we measure and illustrate the impact of social innovations?
Bringing zebras and utopias to organizational science
Ali Aslan Gümüşay researches possible futures and alternative forms of organization. Since January 2023, he has been Professor for Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Sustainability at LMU.
Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management
The team of the Professorship of Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability participated in this year's Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM), in Boston.
Zeit Campus Interview with Prof. Ali Aslan Gümüsay
What can higher education – and society – learn from Sufi circles, the circular economy, and the Catholic church? A lot, says renowned management scholar Ali Aslan Gümüsay, professor of innovation, entrepreneurship and sustainability at LMU Munich.
Zeit Campus Interview mit Prof. Ali Aslan Gümüsay
What can higher education – and society – learn from Sufi circles, the circular economy, and the Catholic church? A lot, says renowned management scholar Ali Aslan Gümüsay, professor of innovation, entrepreneurship and sustainability at LMU Munich.
LMU IEC successful application to Stifterverband's funding program "Transformative Skills for Sustainability"
We are one of 20 universities that have been accepted by the Stifterverband's "Transformative Skills for Sustainability" funding program!
The Impact Measurement and Valuation Lab (IMV-Lab) research project explores the potential of impact measurement and valuation for social innovation.
Esther Salvi new in team
A postdoctoral researcher and project leader of impACTup!
Barbara Wolf new in team
A postdoctoral researcher and Impact Entrepreneurship Education Lead!
Amyn Vogel new in team
A postdoctoral researcher and project leader of the IMV-Lab!
Desirable Futures at EGOS
Prof. Dr. Ali Gümüsay co-convenes the EGOS Standing Working Group, a four year (2023-2026) Standing Working Group under the European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS).