
Desirable Futures at EGOS

16 Jun 2023

Prof. Dr. Ali Gümüsay co-convenes the EGOS Standing Working Group, a four year (2023-2026) Standing Working Group under the European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS).

We co-convene the EGOS Standing Working Group (SWG) 2023-2026.

It is a platform for scholars interested in developing future-oriented organizational theory to tackle societal grand challenges.

The group mobilizes the EGOS community to jointly work on new ways of knowing, and offer new approaches to theorizing that can lead to desirable futures.

We aim to stimulate methodological and theoretical innovation for the elaboration, critical reflection, and theorizing of desirable futures; foster a research agenda towards impactful scholarship, and how organization scholars can create societal impact and contribute to the development of desirable futures; and create an international community of scholars that unites various streams of research on desirable futures from different research traditions.

Fore more informations visit the SWG website