
We teach on interdisciplinary subjects around the areas of entrepreneurship, innovation, and sustainability.

We build our teaching on excellent, innovative and relevant research, connect it to applicable practice and embed our classes in this triangular engagement of theory, practice and students.

Students learn through individual and collaborative inquiry of scholarly sources, tools, concepts and models, actively using them and critically reflect on their value in general and for their own pursuits specifically.

We wish our teaching to professionally feed forward, to be customized given diverse talents and means of learning, foster experiential learning and collaborative activities and to encourage critical engagement both with the subject and oneself and ultimately to connect the various dots to have a meaningful teaching experience and sustainable learning outcome.

Our aim is to enhance the capacity for critical thinking and reflective practice – to connect competencies with responsibility, knowledge with self-awareness, passion with self-identified purpose.


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Courses in the summer semester

Courses in the summer semester

Final theses

We offer a wide variety of topics (e.g. data glitches, streaming wars, digital tranfsormation, etc.) for your theses. The topics are carefully selected by us according to the latest research foci and student interests.
