Handbook for measuring the impact of social innovations
4 Jan 2024
How can we measure and illustrate the impact of social innovations?
4 Jan 2024
How can we measure and illustrate the impact of social innovations?
How can we measure and illustrate the impact of social innovations? This is the core question being addressed by a research team from the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (led by Prof. Dr. Ali Aslan Gümüsay and Dr. Amyn Vogel) and the University of Hamburg (led by Prof. Dr. Laura Marie Edinger-Schons and Felizia von Schweinitz) as part of the "Impact Measurement and Valuation Lab" project. The project is supported by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. The first edition of the handbook was recently presented and discussed. The main purpose of the handbook is to support organizations that want to implement social innovations and improve their impact measurement. To this end, approaches to aligning and measuring impact from academia and practice are brought together and practical recommendations for their application are provided. In addition, examples of qualitative, quantitative and monetary instruments for measuring and evaluating impact are presented. Further information about the project and the manual as a download are available on the IMV-Lab homepage.