Economics teaching degree

Teaching degree in economics for Gymnasium (High school) or Realschule (Secondary school)

The subject of economics as a teaching degree program provides you with essential knowledge in the areas of business administration and economics, accounting, law and subject didactics. You will acquire fundamental skills for the independent scientific analysis of economic issues as well as for the independent application of economic knowledge and skills in the teaching profession.

At the LMU Munich School of Management, you can study to become a teacher of economics at a

Gymnasium (High school) or

Realschule (Secondary school).

Information compiled for you on the study of teaching economics

General information:
on the subject of studying to become a teacher of economics (in German).

Detailed information:
Presentation on the introductory course (in German) (PDF, 947 KB).

Further information: Examination and study regulations for teaching economics at the
Gymnasium (High school) (please also note the change in the statutes (in German) (PDF, 62 KB)) or
Realschule (Secondary school).

Information videos (in German) about the teaching subjects

Answers to common questions about the teaching profession can also be found in the MZL's FAQ (in German).

A good overview of the subject economics at LMU can be found on the profile pages of the subject at
Teaching degree Realschule (LAR) (in German)
Teaching degree Gymnasium (LAG) (in German)

Links to teaching-specific events

Advanced Accounting Technique
ABWL exam preparation course
VWL exam preparation course (in German) (PDF, 108 KB)


Joseph Nserat
Advisory service for economics
Ludwigstraße 28, VG - Raum 420

If you have a concern, please email and briefly explain your issue. We will then arrange a virtual consultation appointment with you and send you a zoom access link. Do you have questions regarding the recognition of examination credits, do you need a semester credit notification or have you already completed your studies? You will find information on this here under "Credit Transfer".
Office hours:
by appointment
Plan your requests with foresight! First, please read all the information on this website carefully and to the end.

Please note that the subject Economics LAR as well as LAG are subject to local admission restrictions!

For further information on admission restrictions and possible subject combinations, please refer to the profile pages of the subject:
LA Realschule (Secondary school) (in German)
LA Gymnasium (High school) (in German)

Detailed information on enrollment in admission-restricted programs can be found on the pages of the Studentenkanzlei.

Teaching profession Gymnasium (High school)
Current (as of winter semester 2015/2016):
Overview of the structure of the study program at the beginning of the winter semester 2015/2016

Teacher training Realschule (Secondary school)
Current (as of winter semester 2010/2011):
Overview of the structure of the study program as of winter semester 2010/2011

Important: As of summer semester 2020, the course People and Organization can no longer be taken as a single exam for 3 ECTS, but only together with International Management in the combination exam "Leadership and International Management" for 6 ECTS.

Please note: the ISC makes great efforts to offer all examinations at the faculty without overlapping. Due to the high complexity and taking into account the many possible subject combinations, especially the courses for the minor in Business Administration and Business Administration for Teachers, overlaps are sometimes unavoidable. A non-overlapping of examinations can only be guaranteed if the above recommended study plans are followed - we therefore strongly recommend adhering to them!

How do I create the study plan for my next semester?
Please use the recommended study plans as a guide for planning your semester. You can then search for the courses you would like to attend in the online course catalog (LSF). Usually, the courses are assigned to the corresponding teaching category. If you cannot find a course, please use the "Search for course" function of the LSF.

Most events* do NOT require prior registration. However, if this is the case, the modalities are listed on the event pages.(Tip: the fastest way to get to the event pages is to Google "event name + LMU").

Recognition of academic achievements in the teacher training program
The regulations for the recognition of academic achievements can be found in detail in the examination regulations for the degree programs in Economics at the Gymnasium and Realschule, and are only summarized here. In principle, achievements that have been obtained at other universities in the Federal Republic of Germany in the same course of study are recognized, unless these show significant differences with regard to the learning outcomes/competencies achieved. However, there are a few things to keep in mind, so please read the following information carefully.

There are two points in time when credit requests are made:

I. Before enrollment (credit request before application):
In principle, the examination regulations in the teacher training program stipulate that previous academic achievements can be recognized, provided that they convey the necessary competencies. Due to the high number of requests, it is unfortunately not possible for us to check applications for recognition before enrollment at the LMU. We do not make exceptions or give a tendency. However, you are welcome to take a first look at the study plan (see website under "Study plan") to get a first impression of which subjects have to be completed for the teacher training program in Economics. However, it is also possible to apply for higher semesters (in the winter semester always for odd semester numbers, in the summer semester for even semester numbers) - in this case we will check whether the corresponding number of ECTS points required (12 ECTS points per semester) can probably be recognized for you and then issue a semester credit notification, which you will need for the application.

Please note: the final check for creditability always takes place after regular enrollment in consultation with the person responsible for the subject.

The guidelines for lateral entrants apply. Note: Requests for semester credit should be made up to two weeks prior to the application deadline.

For more information on your application options, please contact the Registrar's Office.

II. After regular enrollment at LMU:
After successful matriculation, the actual application for recognition is submitted. The following deadlines must be met in order for applications for recognition of examination achievements to be considered:

  • Performance was rendered prior to enrollment in the current degree program (e.g. in the case of a change of university or degree program), then the application must be submitted to LMU no later than the end of the 1st semester after enrollment in the current degree program
  • Achievement was made after enrollment in the current teaching degree program at LMU (e.g. in the case of study abroad or double degree program), then the application must be submitted no later than the end of the 1st semester after the ECTS credits have been earned.


Step 1: Application for Recognition Form
Download the following application form (in German) (XLS, 48 KB) and fill it out accordingly.

Step 2: Submit application
Send the form (please in a formattable version) to the Teacher Advisory Office, together with the following documents:

  • Most recent transcript of grades from the "old" university/program of study
  • Module handbooks and detailed outline/content of the "old" courses.

Step 3: Check for recognition
In the next step, we forward your documents to the responsible teaching staff for the respective courses at LMU. Based on the documents you have submitted, they will check whether the competencies you have acquired correspond to those of the corresponding LMU course. Please understand that this step may take several weeks. As soon as the check is completed, we will get back to you.

Step 4: Registration of the achievements
In case of a positive crediting decision, please make an appointment for a consultation and bring with you:

  • The completed and signed application form
  • The original documents or certified copies confirming your achievements (e.g. certificates).

We will then forward the documents to the examination office and the achievements will be noted for you in the account statement.

Please note: the final check for creditability always takes place after regular enrollment.

You can find more information about the extension subject here:
Extension Subject Economics Teaching Certificate Realschule (Secundary school) (in German)
Extension Subject Economics Teaching Certificate Gymnasium (High school) (in German)

In the extension subject Economics you do not have to perform any services. However, this means that you will have to acquire the necessary knowledge for the state examination yourself. As preparation, we recommend reviewing the courses offered at the LMU in the teaching degree program in Economics, as well as working on old state exam assignments. It is up to you whether you attend the courses or work on the knowledge at home in self-study. Please note, however, that exams cannot be taken.

In the subject of law, we recommend that you voluntarily attend the courses on private law (beginning in the winter semester) and especially the exam colloquium in the semester immediately before your exam (winter or summer semester). You are welcome to contact Ms. Küpper-Morawietz ( with any questions regarding courses, lecture notes and recommendations for optimal exam preparation in the subject of law.

Further information on the extension subject can also be found on the homepage of the Munich Center for Teacher Education.

During the study

Examinations are either organized and conducted by the chairs themselves, or centrally via the ISC. Information on which case is available for a course can be found on the respective course websites.

For up-to-date information on exam registration/times/locations, please visit the ISC (in German) website.

Note: the ISC already provides an exam master schedule online before the beginning of the semester, which contains almost all exam dates relevant for you. Therefore, please check already at the beginning of the semester before taking courses whether there are possible overlaps in the examination dates.

Attention: Compulsory registration for exams! The board of examiners for economics examinations requires registration for all module examinations and partial module examinations of all business and economics courses. The registration has to be done in time by the students via LSF. The deadline for registration for the respective examination can be found in LSF. Students who have not registered for a module examination or module sub-examination, or have not registered in due form and/or in due time, are not entitled to participate in this module examination or module sub-examination.

You will find your grades after logging in to LSF in your transcript. Here you can also print out required transcripts yourself. The grade list contains both your passed and failed exams. By comparing them with the recommended study plans, you can identify any outstanding exams. According to the PO, exams that have not been passed can be repeated as many times as you wish, subject to the maximum number of semesters. Exams that have already been passed cannot be taken again "to improve grades".

According to the LPO I, a commercial internship is required as a prerequisite for admission to the first state examination.

Teaching profession Realschule (secondary school):
According to § 58 para. 1 no. 2 neu e LPO I, successful participation in a commercial internship of three months duration must be proven.

Teaching profession Gymnasium (high school):
According to § 84 para. 1 no. 2 new LPO I, successful participation in a commercial internship of four months duration must be proven.

Further information can also be found in the following documents:
Official Gazette of the Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs (in German) (PDF, 764 KB)
Leaflet on the commercial internship (Attention: Duration outdated!) (in German) (PDF, 87 KB)

The branch office of the examination office is responsible for the recognition of the internship as an admission requirement for the first state examination. Therefore, if you have any questions regarding the commercial internship, please contact the respective contact person (in German).

End of studies

According to LPO I (2008), § 29, a written paper ("Zulassungsarbeit") is required for admission to the First State Examination. This can be done in one subject of the chosen subject combination or in educational sciences. Detailed information can also be found on the corresponding pages of the MZL (in German).

Examiners who supervise the admission thesis in the subject Economics are:
Dr. Marco v. Baal
Dr. Anke Jaros-Stuhrhahn
Dr. Rahild Neuburger
Dr. Manuela Mosburger
Dr. Evi Prielmaier
Dr. Georg-Bockhorni

after consultation with the teacher advisory service, other supervisors may also be possible.

If you are interested in writing an admission/final thesis in economics, please contact one of the above-mentioned examiners one semester before the desired submission, indicating your interests in the topic or already concrete questions.

As an orientation for possible topics or an introduction to scientific work, a visit to the colloquium for final theses is recommended:

The aim of the colloquium is to impart knowledge of scientific work in relation to an admission thesis. In addition, the respective final theses are to be presented and discussed in the group during the colloquium. The individual presentation should last 15-20 minutes (plus 15 minutes of discussion).

The date for the next colloquium in WiSe 2022/23 has not yet been set. If you are interested in admission/graduation, please contact us.

Target group and eligibility:

Teacher training in economics at the Gymnasium (High school) (in-depth; old and new LPO):
Eligibility if you are currently working on a thesis or are interested in writing a thesis in the field of economics.

Teacher training in economics at the Realschule (Secondary school) (teaching subject; old and new LPO):
Eligibility in the case of an ongoing thesis or interest in a thesis in the field of "Economics".

If you are interested in an admission/final thesis, please contact the supervising staff members Anke Jaros-Sturhahn, Marco van Baal, Rahild Neuburger or Manuela Mosburger one semester before the desired submission.

For the preparation of the exam, we recommend, in addition to attending all the courses provided for in the curriculum, above all working through old state exam assignments as an orientation for content and subject matter.

Old state exam papers can be found with LSF identifier on the MZL website (in German). The content-related examination requirements for the first state examination are regulated in § 58 of the LPO I (LAR) (in German) and § 84 of the LPO I (LAG) (in German).

At LMU some courses are offered for the preparation for the state exam, which specifically prepare for this by working on old tasks:

  • Exam preparation course ABWL - to be found in LSF, every semester.
  • Advanced Accounting Technique - to be found in LSF, every semester
  • Examenscolloquium Recht für Lehramt Gymnasium - see homepage Law (in German), registration by e-mail!

The registration for the first state examination and its execution is the responsibility of the branch office of the examination office (in German). Current dates and deadlines can also be found on their website.

Application Transcript of Records:
For registration, you will need a corresponding transcript of records for each subject. You can request this from the relevant examination office, for the subject Business Administration from the subject advisory service.

Please proceed as follows:

Step 1: Is your LSF account transcript correct?
Check your LSF account transcript for correctness:

  • Have all achievements been entered?
  • Have the subject-specific academic and didactic grade point averages been calculated correctly?
  • Have the sums of the academic and didactical ECTS points been added correctly?

If you notice an error, please inform the technical support of the examination office via the following contact form (in German).Note on calculating the grade point average: Please note that according to PO §14, the grade point average of the module examinations taken at the LMU in the subject of economics for the subject-specific scientific and subject-specific didactic performance is calculated from the unweighted arithmetic mean. Performances achieved count towards the subject-specific grade point average.

Step 2: send an email specifying

  • Matriculation number
  • Course of studies
  • Achievements to be included in the free area

to the Business and Economics Advisory Service

Step 3: Make an appointment and pick up
You may pick up your Transcript of Records during the following office hour under normal circumstances.Appointments outside of office hours are only offered in emergencies, so plan ahead for your request!

Note anticipatory regulation:
An application for admission to the state examination can also be submitted with less than the total number of ECTS points. Please refer to the information on the MZL website (in German).