Exam preparation course for the ABWL

Exemplary former exam problems from the field of ABWL for the Realschule and Gymnasium teaching profession will be solved. We also discuss real solutions and give general hints on how to approach topics.
Students can earn 3 ECTS in LA Gymnasium in the area "General Business Administration II" and (NEW from WiSe 2020/21) in LA Realschule in the area "General Business Administration in the free area". See the course of studies for Gymnasium and Realschule. Currently, the 3 ECTS (achievement acquisition) can also be acquired in the summer semester in addition to the winter semester. A change will be announced in due time.

Realisation (in German)
Marco van Baal
Anke Jaros-Sturhahn

Every semester in German
Thursdays, 14-16 h c.t.

You can find the documents in the LSF portal at


Old exams for all state exams (BWL, VWL, subject didactics, law, ReWe) can also be found on the website of the Munich Center for Teacher Education (MZL):

Staatsexamen Online des MLZ.