News overview
All news at a glance.
Your career network starts here with the graduate book
Reach a large number of companies and make lifelong contacts with an entry in the alumni book. Priceless memories of your student days guaranteed!
Prof. Marko Sarstedt again honored as Highly-cited Researcher
We are delighted that Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Marko Sarstedt has once again been included in the list of “Highly-cited Researchers”.
Marketing Analytics
Re-Take Exam in the Winter Term 2024/2025
"Methods in Management"
Exam Inspection “Methods in Management” Summer Term 2024
Exam Inspection
"Marketing Analytics" summer term 2024
Marketing team wins Open Data Award!
Marko Sarstedt and Susanne Adler and their team were honored with the SaxFDM Open Data Award for their outstanding research data management.
Prof. Marko Sarstedt is the new President of the Academy of Marketing Science
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Marko Sarstedt took over the presidency of the Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) on September 1, 2024. The AMS is one of the world's largest academic marketing associations with members in over 50 countries.
Research Assistant
We would like to strengthen our scientific team
Join the Marketing Innovation Circle!
You can apply now.
Exam inspection "START with Business Modelling - Schlüsselqualifikationen"
The inspection will take place on October 17, 2024, between 08:00 and 09:00 a.m. at Ludwigstr. 28, RG, Room 323.
50 Years of LMU Munich School of Management
Meet us. Meet excellence. Meet future. An open day at the LMU Munich School of Management
Showcasing analytical flexibility in innovation research
We are pleased to announce that our paper on analytical flexibility has been published in the Journal of Product Innovation Management
When less is more
The holistic view of the marketing funnel provides new insights into the effectiveness of influencer marketing
Exam review session for "Marketing Measurement and Modeling"
We offer an exam review session for “Marketing Measurement and Modeling” (WT 2023/24)
We offer an exam review session for “Convincing Stakeholders” (ST 2024)
We offer an exam review session for “Convincing Stakeholders” (ST 2024)
We offer an exam review session for “Convincing Stakeholders” (WT 2023/24)
We offer an exam review session for “Convincing Stakeholders” (WT 2023/24)
Put to the test
Will "silicon samples", i.e. artificial data sets generated by large language models, redefine market research?
We are hireing student assistants
Send your application by March 22, 2024 at the latest!
New publication on research methodology
We are happy to announce the publication of our new paper.
Silicon samples in consumer and marketing research
We are pleased to announce that our paper on Silicon Sampling in Psychology & Marketing has been published.
Susanne Adler is Marketing Talent 2023!
Susanne Adler, a doctoral student at the Institute of Marketing, was voted one of the Marketing Talents 2023 by the magazine absatzwirtschaft.
Just ask ChatGPT!?
Why we shouldn't leave data collection to AI (yet).
Advanced Issues in PLS-SEM
We are happy to announce the publication of the second edition of “Advanced Issues in Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling.”
New Issue of the "Insights"- Magazine
The new "Insights" issue is available!
Want a coffee?
Why you should enjoy your coffee better after your shopping trip.
Cheap, cheap, cheap!
How discounts influence our consumer behavior
Beyond Likes and Shares
Why common engagement metrics do not adequately capture the impact of owned social media content.
Election Posters in Focus
Do they really convey the desired message?
"Marketing Analytics"
Exam Inspection "Marketing Analytics" Summer Term 2023
Marketing Excellence Circle (MEC)
Registration for our MEC starts now!
"Case Studies in Marketing"
Registration for the seminar possible from now on!
"START with Business Modelling - Schlüsselqualifikationen"
The exam inspection will take place on October 17, 2023, 9:00 - 11:00 a.m.
And the Award goes to...
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c.. Marko Sarstedt wins the prestigious William R. Darden Award at the 2023 Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference.
00:50 a.m., the alarm clock rings, off to university!
Susanne Adler as guest lecturer at the "Lange Nacht der Universitäten".
Prof. Sarstedt im Podcast "Mut zur Persönlichkeit"
Wie und warum wird man eigentlich Professor, welche Entwicklungen gibt es derzeit im Marketing und warum ist Prof. Marko Sarstedt mal mit einem Bobbycar in eine Polizeikontrolle geraten?
Expertise and Inspiration - Two Inaugural Lectures
In the elegant Frescensaal, Prof. Dr. Jelena Spanjol and Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c.. Marko Sarstedt gave their inaugural lectures. The formal event was well attended.
Leihen statt Kaufen - München TV über nachhaltigen Konsum
In der aktuellen Folge von "München tut gut", einem Programm von München TV dreht sich alles um nachhaltigen Konsum. Mit dabei ist Prof. Sarstedt mit seiner Expertenmeinung zum Thema Black Friday.
Duftmarketing für die Ohren.
Prof. Sarstedt ist zu Gast beim Spotify Original Podcast "Man lernt nie aus" und spricht über Umgebungsdüfte in Verkaufsräumen, identitäts-stiftende Gerüche für Marken und die Kritik der unbewussten Beeinflussung.
Was eine Verschwendung!
80 Kilogramm Lebensmittel werfen die Deutschen pro Kopf jedes Jahr in den Müll. Wie es dazu kommt und insbesondere was wir dagegen tun können, greift ein Artikel im Sonntagsblatt auf. Mit Gedanken zum Thema unter Anderem von Prof. Sarstedt.