In our research and teaching, we focus on the basic mechanisms of human resource management: companies need to move sufficient numbers of suitable people into suitable positions at the right time. Fair performance management and a transparent compensation policy ensure that this potential is turned into results that make everyone better off: Employees, companies, and society. We use appropriate research designs and data as well as statistical methods to produce robust research results, which we translate into theoretically sound and practice-relevant teaching. We present our research at academic conferences and in exchange with practitioners. Our research is regularly published in the world’s leading journals.
New DFG project approved
The DFG has given a positive decision to a research proposal by Prof. Weller and is now funding the project "Performance feedback transparency".
New publication in Compensation & Benefits Review
Ingo Weller and his co-authors have published a new paper. Artificial intelligence (AI) is making its way into all areas of life, including human resource management.