
The non-profit association HCMembers was founded in 2010 by Prof. Ingo Weller. The association uses the donations it receives to support the institute’s work. Among other things, it finances research projects, seminar trips for students or prizes for outstanding theses.


HCMembers – Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft für Personalwirtschaft e.V.

HCMembers is a non-profit association affiliated with the Institute for HCM. It is managed and led by Ingo Weller, Lena Göbel, and Kerstin Gottscheber. Its statutory purposes embrace:

  • It encourages, coordinates, and executes academic research projects in the field of HRM.
  • It supports academic conferences at LMU Munich.
  • It supports and coordinates knowledge exchange activities between the Institute for HCM’s members and external institutions and stakeholders: It furthers the involvement of practitioners in the Institute for HCM’s teaching curriculum, and strengthens the Institute’s international research and teaching activities by sponsoring guests.
  • It serves as a knowledge hub for the HRM community.

To reach its goals, the HCMembers association collects donations and contributions. In the past, it has

  • supported more than 50 LMU bachelor students’ seminar trips (by reimbursing travel and accommodation costs)
  • sponsored prizes for outstanding bachelor and master theses
  • supported the Institute’s research assistants’ conference trips (e.g., to the Annual Meetings of the Academy of Management in the US and Canada)
  • co-organized and sponsored conferences (e.g., SMS LMU Munich Extension, September 2016)
  • co-financed the Institute’s research projects (e.g., expensive data collection efforts in the "HRM in Emerging Firms" research area)

If you wish to support our work, we encourage you to get in contact with Ingo Weller or Kerstin Gottscheber. Donations are tax-deductible and can be directed to the following account:

Stadtsparkasse München
IBAN: DE20 7015 0000 1001 8286 13

HCM Verlag publishes the dissertations of the Institute for Human Capital Management. The dissertation series "Strategic Human Capital Management" is edited by Ingo Weller, individual titles can be purchased on request: Please contact Kerstin Gottscheber.

HCM-Verlag: published dissertations

Published dissertations in the series "Strategic Human Resource Management"
AutorTitle of the Dissertations
J. Huff
(Volume 1)
Studying Human Resource Management as
a Complex Phenomenon: A Systems-based Approach to HRM System
J. Süß
(Volume 2)
Individual and Organizational Effects of HRM Systems
D. Mühlbauer
(Volume 3)
Individual Heterogeneity and Collective Behavior Formation: Theory, Experiments, and Implications for Human Resource Management
P. Friedrichs
(Volume 4)
Firm Flexibility, Firm Structure, and Human Resource Management
J. Ebert
(Volume 5)
Human Resource Management and Family-Friendly Work Practices: Mechanisms, Boundary Conditions and Employee-Based Outcomes
M. Schüßler
(Volume 6)
Essays on Microfoundations in Strategic Human Resource Management: Mechanisms, Experimental Evidence, and Future Research Avenues
M. Abele
(Volume 7)
Strategic Human Resource Management in Small and Medium-Sized Technology Enterprises: Content and Process Perspectives
H. Kuschel
(Volume 8)
Flexibilität in Arbeitszeit und Arbeitsort – Eine empirische Untersuchung der Einführung von mobilem Arbeiten in einem deutschen Industrieunternehmen
L. Göbel
(Volume 9)
Corporate Responsibility and Human Resource Management - A Path from Antecedents to Impacts -
N. Tichy
(Volume 10)
Inducements in Organizations Empirical Essays on the Antecedents and Consequences of Compensation Complexity, Pay Design Dispersion, and Corporate Social Responsibility
St. Burkert
(Volume 11)
Executive Compensation: Empirical Essays on the Antecedents and the Consequences, and the Role of Executive Personality
T. Oberpaul
(Volume 12)
Complex Compensation: Empirical Essays on the Impact of Compensation Design on Firm Performance, Turnover, and Organizational Justice