In our research and teaching, we focus on the basic mechanisms of human resource management: companies need to move sufficient numbers of suitable people into suitable positions at the right time. Fair performance management and a transparent compensation policy ensure that this potential is turned into results that make everyone better off: Employees, companies, and society. We use appropriate research designs and data as well as statistical methods to produce robust research results, which we translate into theoretically sound and practice-relevant teaching. We present our research at academic conferences and in exchange with practitioners. Our research is regularly published in the world’s leading journals.

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The LMU Munich School of Management is 50 years old this year. In 1974, the Faculty of Public Economics was split into a Faculty of Business Administration and a Faculty of Economics. Reason enough to share this joy with you with two anniversary events!


The Institute Team

A dedicated team at Schackstraße 4 is looking forward to meeting you.



Our teaching is theoretically sound, evidence-based and practice-oriented. Fairness and respect in our dealings with each other are central cornerstones of our teaching philosophy.

Teaching - Courses - References

Research, Publications and Funding

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