
From Bachelor to PhD, a degree from the LMU Munich School of Management is an internationally recognized seal of quality. Excellent teaching and practice-oriented research in the heart of the academic and economic hub of Munich.

Need some orientation?

The O-Phase offers the Bachelor's degree programs in Business Administration and Business Education as well as Economics an initial orientation at the start of the semester!

Register here until September 26, 2024!

Individual focus

The LMU Munich School of Management is one of the most diverse and renowned faculties of business administration in the German-speaking world and has an international orientation. The modular structure and the variety of courses offered at the LMU Munich School of Management enable you to tailor the content of your study to your own interests and combine the elective subjects according to your individual focus.

Study offer

Important contacts for the start of your study

We offer a wide range of information and services to help you customize your studies.

Information and Service Center for Students (ISC)

The ISC is the number one contact point for all students: it advises on study and examination matters, provides information on examination-related changes in teaching, manages registration procedures for examinations, processes applications for extensions of deadlines and recognitions, etc.

Informations- und Servicecenter für Studierende (ISC)

Important contact points during the study

SOM.Excellence programs

Our excellence and support programs offer outstanding bachelor's and master's students special opportunities for encouragement, challenge and support.

LMU Management Alumni

Jobs, events, career advice & service, a broad network, cooperations with selected companies and the Alumni Association for students, graduates and our alumni.

LMU Management Alumni


Our central job board offers you current job advertisements and profiles of attractive employers from the alumni network such as Deloitte, accenture, pwc, BCG and many other interesting companies.

Three students in conversation

Student life

Life outside of the university is also part of studying. The lifestyle in Minga!

Student life

LMU Munich - a great place to study

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0:33 | 21 Jun 2023 | ©LMU