Marketing & Innovation Management
Scientific excellence through interdisciplinary research as well as innovative strength and marketing expertise in the Marketing & Innovation cluster.
Scientific excellence through interdisciplinary research as well as innovative strength and marketing expertise in the Marketing & Innovation cluster.
In its teaching and research, the Marketing & Innovation Management cluster explores the roles of various stakeholder groups for organizational success and change. The participating institutes focus on strategic aspects of stakeholder orientation, the dynamics of organizational change and consumer behavior.
The Institute for Market-Oriented Management devotes its research primarily to the management of intangible assets and is a valued contact for corporate practice, particularly in questions of reputation management and the management of corporate brands. The institute's proprietary databases, which have been continuously expanded for almost 20 years, allow to calculate the contribution of corporate brands to their company’s financial performance and thus to document the value relevance of marketing and corporate communications.
The Institute for Innovation Management explores the dynamics of change by investigating how new solutions are created, managed, and adopted. The research follows a process of building and empirically testing conceptual frameworks and models that advance theory and generate implications for managers, consumers, policy makers, and other stakeholders. A special focus in the institute’s research portfolio lies on holistic value creation, capture, and management (i.e., considering economic, ecological, and social value dimensions).
The Institute for Marketing focuses on research into consumer attitudes and needs, for example, in order to create incentives for sustainable behavior. In addition to consumer behavior studies, the research aims to develop and improve statistical analysis methods in order to better explain and predict consumer decision-making.
The professorship for Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Sustainability deals with various aspects of establishing and developing sustainable businesses and innovative business models. The focus is on the integration of entrepreneurial activity with ecological, social, and economic sustainability.
Across the three institutes, we strive to combine our own research with excellent teaching. We aim to support managers, institutions, investors, and other stakeholders in solving relevant questions by creating theoretical frameworks, empirically testing models, and improving the quality of research methods and analyzed data. In addition, we see networking with and supporting fellow researchers from around the world, as well as communicating research findings to a broader audience, as integral elements of our work.
The cluster Finance & Insurance is based on the following institutes and professorships:
More about the Finance & Insurance Cluster
The cluster works closely with the Centers of Excellence LMU-ifo Economics & Business Data Center (EBDC) and the Munich Risk and Insurance Center (MRIC).
The cluster focuses on accounting and auditing (Accounting), corporate accounting and controlling (Controlling), and business taxation (Taxation).
The cluster Information Systems & Digital Business is based on the following institutes, professorships and Research Centers:
The cluster works closely with the Centers of Excellence Center for Digital Technology and Management.
The cluster Management & Strategy is based on the following institutes and professorships:
The area of Human Resource Education & Management is assigned to the Management & Strategy cluster. The following institutes belong to this area:
The clusters work closely with the Centers of Excellence.