MMT Alumni win Founding Prize+!
28 Nov 2023
The startup askLio (YC S23), founded by former MMT students, wins the Startup Prize+ in the startup competition - Digital Innovations
28 Nov 2023
The startup askLio (YC S23), founded by former MMT students, wins the Startup Prize+ in the startup competition - Digital Innovations
The founders of askLio (YC S23) prove that it pays off to study one of the diverse, well-thought-out degree programs with future-proof modules at the LMU Munich School of Management:
They used their knowledge from studying MMT (Master Management & Digital Technologies) at the LMU Munich School of Management as a basis to drive further developments and found an innovative startup that develops an AI co-pilot for purchasing departments.
This new way of thinking and development also impressed the jury of theGründungswettbewerb - Digitale Innovationen of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection (BMWK), which awarded the founding team askLio with the Start-up Prize+. In addition to coaching and networking offers for the founding team, the Founding Prize+ also includes a non-cash prize.
The LMU Munich School of Management warmly congratulates on this success and is happy with the winners!
askLio uses generative AI to make corporate procurement more productive. AI acts like an additional (artificial) assistance for procurement managers, speeding up the purchasing process. By automating the requirements process and providing AI-powered recommendations, askLio accelerates decision-making, increases productivity, unlocks savings potential and reduces compliance risks. The AI structures the information and compares it with internal guidelines, supports the collection of supplier offers and enriches free text inquiries with the necessary classifications.
Additional Information:
About askLio, the startup and its project: askLio
About the Gründungswettbewerb – Digital Innovationen of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection (BMWK)
About the MMT (Master Management & Digital Technologies) course at the LMU Munich School of Management
We wish the askLio team continued motivation, fun and innovative thinking for a golden future!