Course Catalog - Summer Semester 2024

Course Catalog for the Summer Semester 2024

Course types: L = Lecture, T = Tutorial, S = Seminar, AS = Advanced Seminar | SWS = "Semesterwochenstunden" = Contact hours

This Course Catalogue is not final and will continue to be updated in the lead-up to the new semester.
Please note that there will be no updates from the 18.03. - 24.03. for technical reasons.

A/I & A/II Courses

  • Type: A/II
  • Description: During the course of Presentations & Reports, students will deepen and broaden their understanding of academic topics of interest by attending relevant seminars, and gain greater knowledge of the academic process of peer review, including by writing a review themselves.
  • Dates:
    • Kick-Off: 24.04. (18:30 - 20:00)
  • Rooms: Kaulbachstr. 45, B006

  • Type: A/I
  • Dates:
    • 04.07. (09:30 - 17:00)
    • 05.07. (09:30 - 17:00)
    • 08.07. (09:30 - 17:00)
    • 09.07. (09:30 - 17:00)
  • Description: The course serves to make students familiar with basic statistical methodologies and econometric methods that are applied nowadays throughout all research areas in business administration and economics. The course follows a “hands-on” principle throughout, i.e. all statistical methods will be illustrated and trained by practical applications using the statistical software package Stata.
  • Important note: This course can only be attended by doctoral students (MBR programme). You will need to use Stata for your homework assignment. Therefore, each student needs to have access to a computer and a Stata license.
  • Course Pages: LSF

  • Type: A/I
  • Dates:
    • 19.04. (14:00 - 16:00)
    • 26.06. (10:00 - 15:00)
    • 27.06. (14:00 - 18:00)
  • Description: The course Basic Readings in Management deals with an in-depth exploration of selected theories and streams of literature in management. Participants critically engage with selected readings, develop their own views on them, reflect key contents on their own research interests, and actively discuss these readings in the course sessions.
  • Course Pages: LSF

  • Type: A/I
  • Dates:
    • 17.04. (10:00 - 12:00)
    • 03.06. (09:00 - 17:00)
    • 10.06. (09:00 - 17:00)
  • Description: This course is meant to serve as an introduction to research in Accounting and Finance. The students will read a list of fundamental works in the field and discuss them in the group. The basic concepts of economic decision-making, incentives and agency conflicts will provide a basis for the discussion of more topic specific papers.
  • Course Pages: LSF

  • !Information may be subject to change!
  • Type: A/I
  • Preliminary Dates:
    • 22.04. (09:00 - 16:00)
    • 08.05. (09:00 - 16:00)
    • 11.06. (09:00 - 16:00)
  • Room:
    • 22.04.: Kaulbachstr. 45/II, Room 202
    • 08.05.: Kaulbachstr. 45/II, Room 202
    • 11.06.: Online
  • Description: The main goal of this course is to familiarize students with simulation modeling as a research method. Some of the most influential papers in strategy and organizationresearch (e.g. March 1991, Levinthal 1997) are (simulation) modeling papers. Theoretically, this course builds on the Micro-OT PhD course: most modeling papers are theoretically grounded in the behavioral theory of the firm (Cyert and March 1963) and focus on questions of search and learning. You will learn how to implement your own first simulation model and run experiments with it.
  • Course Pages: Syllabus available (note: Syllabus of WS23/24; information contained within relevant according to Prof. Martignoni).

  • Type: A/I
  • Dates:
    • 08.05. (15:00 - 18:00)
    • 26.06. (14:00 - 18:00)
    • 04.07. (14:00 - 18:00)
  • Description: This course is meant to serve as an introduction to research in Information Systems and Digital Business. The students will read a list of fundamental works in the field and discuss them in the group. The papers cover a broad variety of theoretical and methodological approaches and substantive topics that will provide a sound basis for understanding and applying basic concepts in the field of information systems and digital business research.
  • Course Pages: LSF

  • Type: A/I
  • Dates:
    • 26.04. (10:00 - 13:00)
    • 03.05. (10:00 - 15:00)
    • 10.05. (10:00 - 15:00)
    • 17.05. (10:00 - 15:00)
    • 12.07. (10:00 - 15:00)
  • Description: In this course, students are introduced to the "publication game". The course deals with thoughts about how to generate research ideas and how to plan a research project, how to position a paper and how to manage the R&R process. The pros and cons of different publication strategies are discussed. Students will also learn on which criteria editors and reviewers base their decisions about a submission. Thereby, the course helps to understand and to manage the publication process. Emerging, developments, trends, and issues in conducting and publishing accademic research will be discussed. This course is usually split into three sessions, ending with student presentations. Please check LSF for short-term announcements.
  • Course Pages: LSF

  • Type: A/I
  • Dates:
    • 10.07.
    • 11.07.
  • Room:
    • 10.07.: Kaulbachstr. 45/II, Room 202
    • 11.07.: Kaulbachstr. 45/II, Room 202
  • Description: Developing research with mixed methods represents a compelling opportunity but also a thorny challenge. Despite the journal’s claims in favor of mixed-methods submissions, such works are still quite rare within top-ranked publications. Mixed-methods research offers perils that need to be acknowledged and overcome in order to succeed in the revision process.

    This seminar will discuss the methodological and epistemological premises of mixed methods to understand if and how such an approach is suitable for a specific research question. We will explore some of the challenges of implementing a mixed methods approach, engage with authors of recently published mixed methods papers, and train students’ ability to produce such research through practical assignments.
  • Important Notes: "Publishing with Mixed Methods" counts as a method course for the A/I block.
  • Course Pages: Syllabus available

  • Type: A/I
  • Dates:
    • 24.06. (8:45-16:30)
    • 25.06. (8:45-12:00)
    • 26.06. (8:45-12:00)
    • 27.06. (8:45-16:30)
    • 01.07. (8:45-16:30)
    • 02.07. (8:45-12:00)
    • 03.07. (8:45-12:00)
  • Room: TBA
  • Description: This course provides an introduction to microeconomic theory with a focus on the underlying formal methods. The course covers unconstrained and constrained optimization, comparative statics, choice under risk and elements of game theory. It also explains the mathematical tools commonly used in microeconomics.
  • Course Pages: LSF

  • Type: A/I
  • Dates:
    • 24.04. (8:30-18:00)
    • 25.04. (8:30-10:30)
    • 13.05. (8:30-18:00)
    • 14.05. (8:30-12:30)
  • Room:
    • 24.04.: Kaulbachstr. 45/II, Room 202
    • 25.04.: Kaulbachstr. 45/II, Room 202
    • 13.05.: Kaulbachstr. 45/II, Room 202
    • 14.05.: Kaulbachstr. 45/II, Room 202
  • Description: The course “Qualitative Methods” provides a birds-eye understanding of planning, implementing, and writing up qualitative research. Upon completion of this course, students will be able to (1) understand and reflect the merits and pitfalls of qualitative research in management studies and (2) apply good practices to collect and analyze qualitative data, to write and publish qualitive manuscripts, and to review qualitive manuscripts.

B/I Courses

*MBR students please note important information on examination on the course site. For information on registrations and tutorial dates and times, please consult the linked sites or the LSF! Available syllabi may be found at the end of this page.
Accounting & Finance
DerivativesElsas08.05., 16.05., 23.05. (12:00-18:00 each); Exercise: 14.05., 21.05, 28.05, 04.06. (14:00-20:00 each)L+T4
Investment BankingElsas23.04. (10:00-14:00); 30.04. (10:00-14:00); 17.06. (10:00-18:00); 25.06. (12:00-20:00)S4
International TaxationSchanz19.04., 26.04., 03.05., 17.05., 24.05., 31.05. (12:00-16:00)L+T4
Performance Measurement & Incentive SystemsHofmann18.04. - 18.07. (Tuesdays, 12:00 - 14:00
Thursdays, 14:00 - 16:00)
Marketing & Strategy, Information System, Innovation and Leadership & Learning
Advanced Empirical Marketing ResearchFrieß22.04., 29.04., 06.05., 13.05., 27.05., 17.06., 01.07., (12:00-14:00 each)S4
Market ResearchFrießBeginning: 15.04. (16:00-18:00)L+T4
Data CrawlingClaussen29. - 31.07. (09:00 - 17:00)S2
Grand Challenges & Desirable FuturesGümüşay13.05. (09:00-17:00); 10.06. (09:00-17:00); 24.06. (10:00-13:00)S4
Managing Digital MediaHess17.04. - 17.07. (08:30 - 10:00, Wednesdays)*L+T4
Advanced Topics in Research on Digital Business (DOCX, 15 KB)HessMonthly Brownbag Seminar*S2

B/II Courses

Prep-course on Data Science with DataCampBellettiKick-Off: 23.04. (16:00 - 17:00), via ZoomS4
May be subject to change.