Frequently Asked Questions

Please check these frequently asked questions before emailing us.

We aim to answer all questions sent to within a maximum of one week. This may change during vacation periods such as Christmas when longer response times are possible.

Please contact the study coordinators only via Emails sent to the study coordinator's personal email address will be deleted without being read.


How do I find a supervisor at LMU?

You need to contact an LMU Munich School of Management professor in advance and negotiate a Ph.D. position at their chair or professorship. You can either send a mail to express your interest or apply for an open position. Open positions and detailed information can be found in the LMU Job Portal or on the website of the chairs or professorships.

What should I submit when contacting a prospective supervisor (i.e., advisor)?

Typically, you send a cover letter, a research proposal (not strictly necessary, but it helps you to distinguish yourself when you already have an idea), and a CV to a professor who might be your future advisor. For the research proposal, it helps to look at recent publications of your prospective supervisor. Please, look at the faculty webpage to check for potential advisors as well as the LMU Job Portal for open positions as "Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter".

Do I have to speak German to participate in the program?

No. All courses are offered in English at least once in the academic year. However, speaking German is an advantage in day-to-day communication within the faculty.

Do I have to speak English?

Yes. The MBR program focuses on preparing students to publish in international journals. Therefore, most courses are in English, and students will be expected to write essays and hold presentations in good English.

Do I need a GMAT/GRE?

No. The only requirements are a qualifying degree and a doctoral supervisor (see application requirements).

Does the MBR Program offer scholarships?

No, it does not. However, students enrolled in the MBR are often simultaneously employed as research assistants at one of the institutes or professorships of the Business Administration Faculty. Please browse their websites as well as the LMU Job Portal for open positions. You are also free to apply for one of the numerous Ph.D. scholarships available in Germany. Check out more information on funding your Ph.D. in Germany.

What is the tuition fee for the program?

Tuition fees adhere to the standard rates in Bavaria. As of Winter 2013, no tuition fees are charged to students. The only fee is an administrative fee of less than €100 charged by LMU Munich every semester.

How long does it typically take to complete the MBR?

The program is designed for four semesters (two years), including one semester for the project study. If there is a valid reason, you may seek to have this time extended by one semester to a maximum of five semesters by applying for an extension with the MBR program coordinator.

How do I apply for the program?

To be eligible for the MBR, you need confirmation from one of the Munich School of Management professors that they are prepared to supervise your project study. Please approach the professors directly to ask whether they are prepared to act as your supervisor. The application requirements and process are described in detail on our main applicant site.

Can I do a Ph.D. at the Munich School of Management without the MBR?

No. The MBR is integral to doing a Ph.D. at the Munich School of Management. It ensures a high standard of research within the faculty, and the final grade forms part of the Ph.D. grade.

Can I enroll in the MBR program without doing a Ph.D. in Munich?

No. The MBR program is exclusive to Ph.D. students at the Munich School of Management.

I don't have experience in data science/econometrics/formal models/etc. Is it worth applying for the MBR?

While previous experience with quantitative and formal methods gives you a head start, it is not a prerequisite for the program. Courses on these subjects are part of the MBR program.

Do I have to be based in Munich during the MBR?

Not necessarily, although it may be difficult to be based too far away. For most of the courses in the program, attendance is mandatory.

I do not have a final master's degree certificate. Can I still apply for the MBR?

No, usually, you’ll have to wait for your master's degree certificate when you have completed your studies. However, there is the so-called Y-Model, which allows M.Sc. students of the LMU to decide against preparing for an industry career but focus on research and transition into the MBR after their “Fachspezifische und Allgemeine Grundlagen (36 ECTS).” If you are not an LMU M.Sc. student, this is, however, not feasible.

I started my position at chair XYZ, but I am not enrolled in the MBR yet. Can I still take MBR courses?

Yes, but the MBR application documents must be submitted in advance, and you can only attend B courses. A courses require an active enrollment in the MBR.

I am new to the MBR. How do I get on the mailing list?

We will automatically add the email address you provided in your application for the entrance test to our mailing list.

I am new to the MBR. How do I get information on the MBR program?

You have already found this website, which hopefully provides some useful insights. Additionally, there will be a Kick-off event introducing the MBR to all new MBR students during the semester breaks. If you are new to the MBR program, you will automatically receive an email.

Who takes care of tracking my coursework?

This is every MBR student’s own responsibility and is especially important when approaching the end of your MBR and reporting your passed courses. You must attach a confirmation with the Credits (ECTS) or SWS (certificate, email from the lecturer, or your supervisor's signature when it comes to your own teaching) for all modules you stated on the form when reporting the passed coursework. Please also see the detailed information on reporting passed courses.

Can I get courses from my previous degrees (Bachelor's and Master's) recognized as MBR courses (e.g., B/I)?

No. To ensure the ongoing quality of the degree, we do not recognize courses from other degrees as a rule. It is explicitly not possible to substitute A/I courses with courses from other programs. Only in rare and exceptional cases courses from pure Ph.D. programs may be recognized as part of the B/I module if no previous degree has been earned with such courses. Additionally, there is the so-called Y-Model, which allows M.Sc. students of the LMU to decide against preparing for an industry career but focus on research and transition into the MBR after their “Fachspezifische und Allgemeine Grundlagen (36 ECTS).” For candidates in the Y-Model, there might also be rare exceptions. If you think that exceptions apply to you, please contact

Can I get doctoral seminars (i.e., "Doktorandenseminare") attended at my professorship recognized as MBR courses (e.g., B/I)?

No. Doctoral seminars held by the individual chairs were recognized as two of the eight contact hours. However, this only applied to one seminar per student and was only exceptionally possible for doctoral seminars during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Can I get VHB courses (i.e., VHB ProDok courses) recognized as MBR courses?

Research-related courses and workshops held by the VHB ("Verband der Hochschullehrerinnen und Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft") can be recognized as B/I courses. The amount of contact hours (SWS) will depend on the course. Please see the detailed information on the recognition of external courses.

Can I get a summer school recognized as an MBR course?

Yes, if the summer school is of high quality (e.g., hosted by LMU) and pertinent to your research, you can get it recognized as a B/II course. The amount of contact hours (SWS) will depend on the summer school.Please see the detailed information on the recognition of external courses.

Can I redo courses I did during previous degrees (Bachelor's and Master's) as MBR courses (e.g., B/I)?

No. Given that you have already participated in the course earlier, you generally shouldn't do it again in your MBR studies, given that there are typically no novel insights on your end. Additionally, we must avoid double-counting of courses for two degrees (i.e., M.Sc. & MBR). Redoing a course is, strictly speaking, not the same, but still generally not permitted.

I have an extra A/I course. Can I get it recognized as part of my B/I module?

Yes, if you have an extra A/I course available, it can be counted as a B/I course with 2 SWS. Please simply remember to obtain a confirmation of your passing from the lecturer, so the reporting process (see Course Reporting) can be accomplished more efficiently.

Can I get B/I courses recognized as part of the B/II module?

As the B/II module represents your free elective courses, B/I courses can be recognized as B/II instead. However, please note that this does not apply the other way around (i.e., B/II courses cannot be recognized as B/I).

Can I choose a “Basic Readings” course from another cluster for my A/I module?

Yes, you can, and it will count toward your A/I module. However, the question is whether this gives you the best start in the literature relevant to your dissertation.

When will the courses for the coming semester be announced?

Courses for each semester are announced at the end of the preceding semester holidays. We will announce them as soon as possible. However, there is quite some planning involved, and we are dependent on the lecturers' input. You will be notified via email as soon as the course catalog is in place.

How can I register for MBR courses?

As soon as the courses are in place, all MBR students will receive an email inviting them to register. For individual B course registration, please contact the respective lecturer(s). For the A courses, you will receive an email for the central online registration at the end of the semester when the courses are scheduled. Bear in mind that sometimes the registration can also be on a first-come-first-serve basis for B courses.

After the registration for the courses was over, I did not get a spot in an A course that I applied for. Can I apply for other A courses now?

Once the registration deadline is over, you may apply to an A course by contacting the lecturer directly. However, this is only possible if the course is not yet full. In the event that the course is already full (for A courses, this corresponds to 20 participants), you will be put on a waiting list. If any course places become free, students will be assigned centrally by the MBR Coordination from this waiting list on a first-come-first-serve basis.

I want to register for a course, but the registration deadline is over. Can I still get into the course?

In this case, you can get into courses that are not full yet. Please contact the lecturer. However, if the lecturer rejects your application or the course is already full, that is to be considered final. Do not contact the MBR Coordination to ask whether you can still get in anyway.

Can I change my email address/unsubscribe from MBR mails?

Sure! Just send an email to MBR-Info.

How much work is an A/I course?

From experience, we estimate that each course takes two to three weeks of full-time work. The MBR core courses (A/I) often block three to four full days. In addition, you will generally be required to prepare a presentation or seminar paper (specified for each course in the course syllabus).

How many courses should I take per semester?

Depending on your teaching and administrative workload, two to three A/I courses a semester should be manageable. This will also allow you to take courses for the B/I and B/II Modules and is enough to ensure you finish in four semesters.

I have not received the grade/certificate for course XYZ yet. What is my grade? Where is my certificate?

You need to contact the lecturer(s) (again). They have the grading authority and must communicate the grades to you.

Which papers can I use for the referee report for the module "presentations and reports"?

Review a full paper that is sent in advance to a research talk from, e.g., ORG, R&M, Acc. W, or Finance & Risk Seminar (see seminar series at the LMU). To get these papers, please contact the respective organizer of the seminar series and ask for the availability of the paper you are interested in. If you are reviewing for a high-ranked journal or conference, you can also submit your actual reports for the module "presentations & reports." Please note that as of Summer Term 2023, the Covid aftermath exceptions do not apply anymore!

Which seminars can I attend for the module “presentations and reports”?

There are several seminar series at the LMU (i.e., ORG, R&M, Acc. W., CAMS, or Finance & Risk Seminar). You need to visit seven presentations, but only seminars from external speakers (i.e., no LMU Munich School of Management faculty) count. These seven seminars must not only be from one seminar series (e.g., only ORG). Additionally, you can visit a max of three pure online seminars, like the Virtual Digital Economy Seminars (VIDE); or Strategy, Innovation and Entrepreneurship workshop (SIE). Please also be aware that you must provide confirmations of attendance (signature for in-person talks or a screen-shot for remote talks, and an attendance certificate/email for the Kick-off of the module "presentations and reports") for all your participation.

How many referee reports do I have to write?

You only need to write one referee report.

What's the format of the referee report?

These reports should closely resemble a reviewer comment that you would also submit to a journal when being asked to craft a peer review. Thus, they should also include (1) comments to the authors and (2) a brief comment to the editor with your decision (e.g., reject, major revision, minor revision, conditional acceptance).

Where do I send my referee report?

Send your referee report to before the respective research talk.

I have attended all required presentations and already submitted a referee report for the module "presentations and reports." How do I finish the module?

Please do this together with reporting all courses at the end of your MBR, when you have successfully participated in all necessary coursework. Please see the information on reporting passed courses.

Can I start collecting signatures for Presentations and Reports before being officially enrolled in P&R?

No, it is not possible. You can only start collecting signatures after the kick-off session took place (also conditional on being enrolled in P&R). Registrations for P&R are centralized by the MBR team and must be done with registrations for other A courses.

I was not able to collect all the signatures for my P&R form this semester. What can I do?

You do not have to finish the module in one semester. If you did not complete P&R this semester, it is not a problem. Just submit the form and the reports once you are ready. You do not need to register again next semester – your initial registration remains effective.

I registered for Presentations and Reports this semester but I cannot attend the Presentations & Reports (A/II) Kick-Off this semester. Can I take the seminars now and catch up on visiting the Kick-Off next semester?

Seminars taken before the Kick-Off session can indeed be recognized if (i) you are effectively registered for P&R and (ii) they have been documented in accordance with the examination regulations on Presentations & Reports. However, it is not possible to hand in your Referee Report before the Kick-Off or on the paper of a seminar taken before the Kick-Off. Thus, practically speaking, a maximum of six seminars can be recognized from before the Kick-Off session (though that is an extreme case and as such not recommended). Also, if you cannot attend the Kick-Off, please inform the lecturers in due time.

How can I get additional funding for conferences, summer school, and research?

This very much depends on the stage you’re in – i.e., early-stage Ph.D., late-stage Ph.D., Postdoc. Please use the contact forms linked in the table on funding opportunities.

Can I de-register myself from courses I have registered for, after the deadline is over/during the semester?

Belatedly de-registering from courses you have registered for (e.g., doing so mid-semester) is problematic, as it leads to potential capacities being taken up. As such, the MBR program generally does not intend this to happen. Therefore, de-registering must be a strict exception. Doing so further requires emailing the lecturer and including your doctoral supervisor in CC.

Can I get an extension for my MBR?

While the standard completion time ("Regelstudienzeit") for the MBR is four semester, students may seek an extension by one semester to a maximum of five semesters. You can apply for such an extension only with a valid reason. To request an extension, email Oliver Mocker at the MBR Examination Office, with the MBR Coordination in CC, (see the Contact section) with the aforementioned reason.

How do I get a transcript of records of my MBR?

For transcripts of records and other grades-related inquiries that do not concern a singular course, please contact Oliver Mocker ( If you need the grade of just one course, please contact the respective lecturer.

How do I report passed coursework?

To finish your degree, you must report your passed courses by the end of the semester (i.e., September for the summer term and March for the winter term). Please see the information on reporting passed courses. You will need 8 SWS in both B/I and B/II modules, respectively. There are two forms, one for the coursework and one for the "presentations and reports" module, that you have to hand in.

You must attach confirmations with the Credits (ECTS) or SWS (certificate, email from the lecturer, or your supervisor's signature when it comes to your own teaching) for all reported modules you state on the form.

Can I report my own teaching as coursework for the MBR?

Yes, but be aware that you can only report a maximum of two courses that you have taught yourself and that these must be two different modules.

Where do I register my project study?

Please, hand in this registration form (PDF, 210 KB)in print and signed to Oliver Mocker. Additionally, send it electronically to

Do I need to register my project study precisely four months before I submit it?

You should indeed register your project study upfront. In exceptional cases, Oliver Mocker can accept backdated registration when handed in with the final project study.

When can I submit my project study?

The project study must be submitted by the end of your fourth semester, except in the case of a study extension, at which point it must be submitted by the end of your last semester. You can submit it by the end of March or of September, which are the semester end dates at LMU.

Where do I submit my project study?

In addition to submitting your study in printed form to the reviewers (for more information see the curriculum and examination regulations), please submit a printed version to Oliver Mocker, who is going to archive it (this covers the submission to the examination board, which is not neccessary). For questions about the project study submission, please also contact Oliver Mocker at Additionally, send an electronic version to This electronic version can, however, not replace the official submission of the printed version with Oliver Mocker.

How will the MBR affect my Ph.D. grade? Can I get a "summa cum laude" if I get a final MBR grade of XYZ?

The MBR replaces the oral exam in the Ph.D. process (§19 of the faculty's regulations for the doctoral process). The MBR grade thus counts for 1/3 of the final grade for the Ph.D., with the other two-thirds being made up of the grade for the doctoral thesis. According to the regulations, doctoral theses may be graded up to "0,5" (§16), and the best attainable grade in the MBR is a "1.0". The accolade "summa cum laude" is awarded to candidates with an overall grade of "0.75" (unrounded) or better (§19). You can do the math.