Minor in Insurance and Risk Management 30 ECTS

Course of studies for the minor subject Insurance and Risk Management 30 ECTS with start of studies from WS 2017/2018 (last admission WS 2021/2022)

1. FSFundamentals of Business Administration as a Minor II (GOP)*.WS+SSFundamentals of Business Administration for Minor Students 2 (Lecture/Exercise)2/26
2. FSFundamentals Risk and insuranceSSRisk and Insurance (Lecture/Exercise)2/26
3. FSFundamentals of Business Administration as Minor IWS+SSFundamentals of Business Administration for Minor Students 1 (Lecture/Exercise)2/26
4. FSAccounting for insurance companiesSSInsurance balances (lecture/exercise)2/26
5. FSFundamentals Risk and Insurance IIWSInsurance Management (Lecture/Exercise)2/26

* Note 1: This is a GOP (Fundamentals and Orientation Examination). The GOP serves as an initial and early orientation for students as to whether they are likely to meet the requirements of this minor. GOPs must be passed by the end of the first semester of study, otherwise they can be repeated once at the next deadline.

Subject to changes and errors.