Further information


  • Key Qualifications - START with Business Modelling (SS 2023)

  • Project Course II: Human Resource Education & Management (WS 2023/24)

Research interest:

Digitalisation in commercial vocational education and training.

Professional background:

Since 2022 Research assistant & PhD student at the Institute for Business Education
(Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich)

2021-2023 M.Sc. degree in Business Education II (Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich)

2018-2021B.Sc. programme in Business Education II (Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich)

2018-2022 Various activities accompanying studies, e.g. tutor at the Institute for
Business Education at the LMU Munich, student trainee in the field of recruiting
(WorkSmart), tutor (Schülerhilfe).


Hackenberg, T. & Matuschek, L. (2024). Damit der digitale Unterricht gelingt, brauchen Lehrkräfte vor allem eines: Zeit. Onlinemagazin schulmanagement. Link here


Matuschek, L. (2024). Quality or quantity? Consideration of objectivity when evaluating open-ended tasks using ChatGPT.
Postervortrag auf der EARLI JURE Conference 2024, Sevilla.

Off, M; Matuschek, L. & Birk, C. (2023). Hey computer, why do I have
no points? - Analysis of assessment differences between humans and computers.
Poster presentation at the annual conference of the Section of Vocational and Business Education of the DGfE.
2023, Flensburg.