
We focus on advancing knowledge of consumer behavior to improve management decisions, optimize customer experiences, and address societal challenges.

Our Research

We research consumer preferences, decisions, and behavior to create an informed basis for management decisions, optimize customer experiences, and develop approaches to address societal challenges.

Focus in research

  • Consumer Judgements and Decisions
  • Materiality and Digitality
  • Branding and Brand Management
  • Marketing Communications
  • Empirical Philosophy
  • Blockchain Marketing
  • Sustainability Marketing


Fritze, M. P., Völckner, F., & Melnyk, V. (2024). Behavioral Labeling: Prompting Consumer Behavior Through Activity Tags. Journal of Marketing, 88(4), 22–39.

Hofstetter, R., Fritze, M. P., & Lamberton, C. (2024). Beyond Scarcity: A Social Value-Based Lens for NFT Pricing. Journal of Consumer Research, 51(1), 140–150.

Fritze, M. P., Marchand, A., Eisingerich, A. B., & Benkenstein, M. (2020). Access-Based Services as Substitutes for Material Possessions: The Role of Psychological Ownership. Journal of Service Research, 23(3), 368–385.

Eisingerich, A. B., Marchand, A., Fritze, M. P., & Dong, L. (2019). Hook vs. Hope: How to Enhance Customer Engagement Through Gamification. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 36(2), 200–215.

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Would you like to do a doctorate at our chair?

There are several ways to do a doctorate at our chair: a doctorate offer, a position as part of a third-party funded project, funding at the LMU or a scholarship-financed doctorate. Feel free to contact us. We talk to you about possible topics and research goals.