
New publication in Academy of Management Discoveries

10 Aug 2023

Steffen Burkert, Tobias Oberpaul, Nicolas Tichy and Ingo Weller have reason to rejoice: their research on the complexity of executive compensation has been accepted for publication by the renowned journal Academy of Management Discoveries.

Steffen Burkert, Tobias Oberpaul, Nicolas Tichy and Ingo Weller have reason to rejoice: their research on the complexity of executive compensation has been accepted for publication by the renowned journal Academy of Management Discoveries. The authors find that the ever-increasing complexity of executive compensation has a negative impact on various indicators of company performance. The innovative work has also attracted the interest of practitioners. At the invitation of the think tank WorldatWork, an abridged version of the findings was printed in the Journal of Total Rewards. And the Academy of Management has also disseminated the findings through its Academy of Management Insights network. Sources:

Burkert, S., Oberpaul, T., Tichy, N., & Weller, I. (2023). Executive compensation complexity and firm performance. Academy of Management Discoveries, online first:

Burkert, S., Oberpaul, T., & Weller, I. (2023). Untangling executive compensation: Complexity can hurt performance. Journal of Total Rewards, 32(2).‐executive‐compensationcomplexity‐can‐hurt‐performance.

Burkert, S., Oberpaul, T., Tichy, N., & Weller, I. (2023). Complex CEO contracts can drag down firm performance. Academy of Management Insights.