On the Shoulders of Giants

A way to have an insight on the international academic world and engage with senior scholars

Past Events

Semester of EventPresenterTopic
WiSe 22/23Xavier Martin (Tilburg University)"So You Want an Academic Job Abroad? How to plan an international job search and professorial career"
SoSe 22Nilanjana Dutt (Bocconi University)"Insights on the Academic Job Market from a Candidate and Recruiter Perspective"
SoSe 21Loh, Nicolle, Khashabi, Schoch, Wu"Job market 2.0"
SoSe 20Barczak, Carrillat, Martin, Hill, ChiricoJunior Faculty seminars hosted by the Macquire Business School via Zoom on the following topics: 1) How to become a good reviewer; 2) The stages of an academic career; 3) Finished your Ph.D.: What's next?
WiSe 19/20Silverman (U. of Toronto)"Finding the right data for the right question"
WiSe 19/20Mors (CBS), Asplung (CBS)"Are you ready for the job market marathon? An insight into the job market process in Management and Economics"
SoSe 19Griffin (U. of Utah), Barzarck (Northeastern U.)"Reviewing for a top journal in Management"
WiSe 18/19Flammer (Boston U.)"Indeed she succeeded (in Academia and above)"
WiSe 18/19Doshi (UCL)"Tips to prepare for the job market"