Advanced accounting technique


Exam review in WiSe 23/24: The review will take place on 13.03.2024 from 17:30-18:30 in room 416 (Ludwigstr. 28 RG, 4th floor). To register for the exam inspection, please send an e-mail by 11.03.2024 12.00 noon to: with the subject "Anmeldung Klausureinsicht Fortgeschrittene Buchhaltungstechnik". Please include your full name and matriculation number in the e-mail. You will receive further information in advance by e-mail.

See course in LSF (in German)
The course specifically prepares students for the state examination in accounting. We therefore recommend participation in higher semesters.

Administrative notes


The course prepares students for the first state exam by working on old exam problems in the field of accounting for secondary schools. A sound knowledge of the lecture "Technique of Managerial Accounting" is required.


Lecturer: Dr. Georg Bauer
Contact person: If you have any questions about this event, please contact Julia Schulmeyer.


The lecture notes will be made available successively in the LSF during the lecture period.


Geschw.-Scholl-Pl. 1(A), A 015


The course will be held weekly from 4 - 6 p.m.First lecture: Monday, 24.10.2022, 16.00 c.t.

Note: In the event of competing scheduling information between this website and the LSF, the instructions of this website will prevail.

Written exam
Date: 06.02.2023
Time: 16-17 pm
Room: Geschw.-Scholl-Pl. 1(A), A 015
Registration period for WiSe 2022/23: 12.12.2022-13.01.2023
Online registration is required for the exam.