Please prepare the electronic version of your contribution according to the following specifications before publication:
- Create a cover page for your contribution
- Adhere to formatting guidelines
- Merge the cover page and article into one file and name the file accordingly
Cover page
For the cover page design, you can use a PDF template (iin German) (PDF, 13 KB). This can be edited directly with Adobe Acrobat. To do this, you need to save the document and then edit it in the Acrobat Reader using Tools -> Advanced Editing -> TouchUp Text tool.
Alternatively, you can also design your own title page. It must include the following information:
- <Titel>
- <Author>
- Discussion paper <Year> - <Volume number, two digits> *
- Munich School of Management, University of Munich
- Fakultät für Betriebswirtschaft, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
- Online at
*The volume number is obtained by increasing the volume number of the latest publication on our list by one.
Formatting guidelines
- Font: Times New Roman
- Line spacing 1.5
- Font size 12
- Everything else according to the guidelines of the respective chairs
Merging of cover page and article into one file and file naming
Create a PDF file of your article:
- Creating a PDF file can easily be done using software like FreePDF (freeware that works like a printer that outputs PDFs), Adobe Acrobat (commercial and very comprehensive), or similar software.
- If you use LyX or LaTeX, you can simply compile it directly with pdflatex to create a PDF.
- If possible, embed any non-standard fonts (like Arial or Times New Roman) into the document. Adobe Acrobat has an option for this. This ensures that all characters in the document will display correctly, even for readers who do not have those fonts installed on their computers.
- Then combine the cover page and your contribution into a single PDF by opening the cover page PDF, and then inserting the manuscript PDF via Document->Pages->Insert. This can be done in Adobe Acrobat and other PDF editing software.
- The file name should not contain any special characters (such as umlauts, the letter "ß", spaces, etc.) because they are not supported by the international databases with which we link.
Uploading your contribution
Before you can publish a work for the first time, you must register as a user of the electronic publications of LMU in the Open Access LMU. Nun können Sie mit dem Hochladen beginnen. Now you can start uploading. Go to the user area and follow the instructions. Please note the following:
- Select or fill out all fields. The fields for the 2nd and 3rd authors, the field for the subtitle, and the field for the place of publication of the final version can possibly remain empty (please notify the editor if the contribution appears elsewhere at a later date so that the field can be added later). The volume number is the same as on the title page, see above.
- The summary (abstract) of your contribution should preferably be entered in German and English. But a summary in one language is also sufficient.
- A list of Journal of Economic Literature Classification Numbers
- Please assign German and English keywords for your contribution.
- Under "Category", in addition to the subcategory/subcategories in which your contribution should appear (e.g. Business - Discussion Contributions - Accounting & Auditing), be sure to also select the corresponding higher-level categories (in the above example "Business [add]" and "Business: Discussion Contributions [add]") separately, so that your contribution will also appear in the general lists.
- For the DBS classification, please select point 8: "Economy, Work, Tourism Industry."
- Finally, please click the "Send Document to the Editor Now" or "Deposit EPrint Now" button. The "Send Document to the Editor Later" or "Deposit EPrint Later" button is intended for the case where you want to interrupt or revise the submission again and does not result in submission.
The responsible professors are solely responsible for the content release of publications. Employees who wish to publish a contribution are asked to obtain the approval of the responsible professor and to inform the editor in a separate email that consent is given.
If you are interested, you can get information about the downloads of your contribution. To do this, the language setting must be "German".
Please make sure to follow all instructions for uploading documents. The information is required for various reasons (display in RePEc and dissemination of classifications, listing under the appropriate categories on the server). Incomplete submissions will therefore be returned directly to your department with a request for completion.
If you are having trouble uploading your contribution, please contact:
Institute of Accounting and Control
+49 89 2180 - 2093