Center of Excellence

The Center of Excellence offer various platforms for collaboration between science and practice. They promote and bundle research and teaching in projects and support scientific and practical dialog. They work closely with the clusters and other scientific institutions.

The Centers of Excellence support the collaboration of interdisciplinary teams that focus on a specific topic or problem and thus improve the quality of research and teaching. Through the Centers of Excellence, collaboration and the exchange of knowledge and experience between different institutes, facilities and faculties within LMU is promoted in order to develop innovative and sustainable solutions.

Centers of Excellence

The LMU Innovation & Entrepreneurship Center (LMU IEC) sees itself as a platform for scientific and practical dialogue on innovation and entrepreneurship. Researchers, students and startups shape the future together in an innovative and entrepreneurial way. In teaching and workshop formats as well as in practical projects with companies and startups, the LMU IEC team imparts knowledge and skills in the field of innovation and entrepreneurship across all faculties of the LMU and promotes innovative thinking and action in interdisciplinary teams. The LMU IEC is supported by the EXIST-Potentiale-Initiative of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) with the program "Startup Impact Readiness: Enabling Entrepreneurs to be an International Transformational Force". The activities of the LMU IEC are accompanied by research in the field of innovation and entrepreneurship.e an International Transformational Force". The activities of the LMU IEC are accompanied by research in the field of innovation and entrepreneurship.

Center of Organization Research promotes social science-oriented organizational research. The center focuses on three main research areas:

1. Legitimacy and responsibility

2. Diversity at the top

3. Strategic and organizational aspects of the digital transformation.

In addition to organizational theory research projects, the center provides a platform for organizational theorists interested in basic research. The center also offers seminars within the framework of general business administration.

The LMU Center for Advanced Management Studies is a cross-departmental institution that promotes professional exchange between renowned scholars from the LMU Munich School of Management and visiting scholars. The LMU CAMS invites scholars to pursue their own research projects in Munich and to present them in short seminars as part of their doctoral training.

The LMU-ifo Economics & Business Data Center (EBDC) is a joint platform of the LMU and the ifo Institute for Economic Research. The main focus of the EBDC is the provision of data and databases for researchers and visiting researchers of the LMU and the ifo Institute, with the central task of preparing an innovative, linked business dataset. The EBDC includes an internal dataset (ifo), external micro and macro data, as well as various corporate databases such as Amadeus, Hoppenstedt, Datastream, Worldscope, Bankscope, etc. The aim is to continuously expand this data stock and to open up new fields for economic and business research.

For more than ten years, the Munich Risk and Insurance Center (MRIC) has been bundling and promoting research and teaching in the field of risk management and insurance at the Munich location. It is based at the LMU's Faculty of Business Administration, but has an interdisciplinary focus and aims to expand a network beyond the institution's borders. The Munich Risk and Insurance Center offers researchers in the various sub-disciplines of risk and insurance at different institutions and faculties a platform for collaboration, international networking and exchange between theory and practice. In addition, the Center provides an infrastructure for the promotion of students and young researchers in the field.

The Internet Business Cluster (IBC) (in German) is a platform for collaboration between science and practice. Its goal is to promote practice-oriented research in the field of consumer Internet, to foster talent and to strengthen Bavaria as a digital location. The IBC connects companies in the digital industry with researchers and students from university institutes and aims to strengthen the community in Munich. Among other things, the IBC addresses the questions of what opportunities new technical possibilities bring for companies and how promising business models for the second generation of the Internet can be developed and already established business models of media companies can be adapted.

The Organizations Research Group (ORG) aims to establish a premier site for quantitative organizational research. ORG researchers investigate complex interactions among the various elements of organizational structure and address overarching questions about significant productivity differences between firms and to the organization at the individual, team, and firm levels. It collaborates with researchers and master students from the faculties of Business Administration and Economics at LMU Munich. ORG maintains close ties with the Munich Graduate School of Economics (MGSE). The projects are partly funded by the German Excellence Initiative and the German Research Foundation (DFG). The ORG has an interdisciplinary orientation and offers an attractive long-term infrastructure for senior and junior staff.

As a member of the Elite Network of Bavaria, the Center for Digital Technology and Management (CDTM) offers the interdisciplinary and internationally oriented study program "Honour's Degree in Technology Management".

This program is completed in parallel to the Bachelor's/Master's degree, especially by students of our faculty. Both teaching and research at the CDTM are geared towards the management of high tech, with a focus on digital technologies.

The CDTM is also characterized by its close cooperation with practitioners.Translated with (free version)

Tax law is more suitable for digitization than almost any other area of law, because tax law is law in numbers and tax enforcement, as mass enforcement, can no longer be managed without modern data processing. Even though tax law is already being shaped by digitization in many areas, there is a considerable need to catch up on research into the framework conditions of digitization in tax law.

The essential goal of LMUDigiTax (in German language) is to provide scientific support for the digital transformation in tax law. A focus will be on the legal issues related to digitization in practice.

The centers of excellence work closely with the clusters.