
What About Dis/Similarities

18 Jan 2024

24.-25.01.2024 Workshop led by Prof. Dr. Francesca Biagini (LMU)

In our intricate and interconnected world, the study of diversity has gained tremendous importance across academic disciplines and societal domains. At the same time, homogenization strategies are relevant for the coherence of society, both at the individual level and within social systems, including the scientific system. The workshop is a platform designed for researchers and PhD students to foster interdisciplinary cooperation, knowledge sharing, and meaningful discussions on diversity-related topics. The workshop is the kick-off event of the CAS Research Focus "Dis/Similarities – Discourses on Diversity and Uniformity".

Online-Keynote on Wednesday, 24 January, 6.30 p.m.
Speaker: Prof. Catherine D'Ignazio, Ph.D.
Data Feminism and Grassroots Data Science

Catherine D'Ignazio is a Professor of Urban Science and Planning and Director of the Data + Feminism Lab at MIT.

Registration is required for participation. If you are interested in our event, please contact us: