ISTO at the Game Changers Conference 2024 in Galway
21 Oct 2024
We are proud to announce that two of our researchers, Ambre Nicolle and Alexey Rusakov, were featured as academic speakers at the "Game Changers: The Business of Games" event hosted by the University of Galway in Ireland.
We are proud to announce that two of our researchers, Ambre Nicolle and Alexey Rusakov, were featured as academic speakers at the "Game Changers: The Business of Games" event hosted by the University of Galway - J.E. Cairnes School of Business & Economics on Monday 14th of October 2024.
The Game Changers event focused on the digital games industry's legal, business, and technological aspects. With speakers from leading game development companies and academic experts, it featured panel discussions on regulation, incentivization, and digital game preservation. Attendees had opportunities to network, engage in roundtable discussions, and explore future trends in gaming. The event is part of the University of Galway's "Thinking Beyond" series, which fosters interdisciplinary dialogue on emerging industries.
At the conference, the Institute for Strategy, Technology, and Organization at LMU Munich brought a strategic management perspective with two presentations focusing on competition between and within digital platforms, enriching the interdisciplinary discussions. Ambre Nicolle (image) presented her joint project with Johannes Loh, titled "Platform competition and strategic trade-offs for complementors: Heterogeneous reactions to the entry of a new platform". Alexey Rusakov shared his joint research with Tobias Kretschmer, titled "First-party complements and value in platform markets".
Many thanks to the organizers, Maria O'Brien and Abigail Rekas, for hosting such a wonderful conference and for giving us the opportunity to present our work to an expert audience! We are looking forward to the next edition of the event.