
Impact Allianz in Hamburg: IMAGINE Building a Sustainable Future

8 Oct 2024

On October 8, the Impact Alliance gathered in Hamburg.

On October 8th, Hamburg buzzed with global leaders gathering for the Hamburg Sustainability Conference. Simultaneously, at Hamburg University, the Impact Allianz launched a dynamic series of workshops, inspiring talks, networking sessions, and reflections, all centered on reimagining the synergy between society and the economy to build a sustainable future for business.

The first part of the morning started with the Impact Allianz Workshop at the University of Hamburg. Here, experts from the University of Hamburg, Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich, University of Wuppertal, and Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development joined forces with key supporters from the Bertelsmann Foundation and Hans Weisser Foundation. Kicking off with a warm welcome and a vibrant networking session, the workshop set the stage for further collaborative projects. Participants delved into defining the Impact Allianz’s strategy through interactive discussions on stakeholder mapping, refining the impact logic, and envisioning impactful activities for 2025. The energy in the room was palpable as ideas flowed and plans took shape.

The second part consisted of a networking lunch that brought together diverse players from Hamburg’s social entrepreneurship network and beyond. This special event truly showed the collaborative power of the Impact Allianz network: Buzzing with discussions on advancing the Allianz’s impact logic and strategies, the lunch ignited a collective drive for sustainable transformation. Together, we are building a foundation for a sustainable, inclusive economy, where positive change is not just a goal but the norm.

The Impact Allianz with some of their partners

After welcoming words from Prof. Dr. Jette Frost, Vice President of the University of Hamburg, the afternoon session was a lively mix of panels, keynotes, and performances, featuring a diverse array of voices that kept the energy high. It started with digital greetings from Luisa Neubauer of Fridays for Future and was followed by a series of engaging discussions. There was a panel discussion "Fundamental Knowledge for Fundamental Change," where experts like Prof. Dr. Grischa Perino and Prof. Dr. Ursula Schröder from University of Hamburg shared insights on sustainability research. Later, the "Imagine Hamburg" panel saw cultural figures such as Lars Jessen and Kübra Gümüsay, envisioning a more sustainable future for the city.

The conversation then shifted to policy with Jens Kerstan, Senator for Environment, Climate, Energy, and Agriculture, discussing Sustainable Futures in Hamburg alongside Priscilla Owosekun-Wilms, moderated by Prof. Dr. Laura Marie Edinger-Schons from University of Hamburg.

In the Impact Allianz session, shown in the photo, notable academics including Prof. Dr. Ali Aslan Gümüsay from LMU, Prof. Dr. Britta Gossel from Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development, Prof. Dr. Jelena Spanjol from LMU and Prof. Dr. Christine Volkmann from University of Wuppertal, together with Cornelia Nyssing from the Bertelsmann Foundation explored innovations for a circular economy.

This was followed by a thought-provoking panel on digitalization's role in sustainability, featuring industry leaders like Dr. Michael Müller-Wünsch, CIO of Otto, and Corina Kurscheid from Beiersdorf, moderated by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Gerling from University of Hamburg.

Personal narratives enriched the evening with a Founder’s Talk by Micha Fritz from Viva con Agua, while music by Rolf Stahlhofen and an inspiring Biodiversity Show by Dominik Eulberg rounded out the day, blending inspiration, creativity and ecological awareness.

Stay tuned for further events and initiatives!

For more information about the Impact Allianz, please visit

Contact: Dr. Barbara Wolf,