Guest Lecture with Unity AG – Scenario-based Foresight
7 Nov 2023
On November 7, 2023, Mrs. Kristin Korsmeier from Unity AG gave a guest lecture to our students from the course Managing the Front End of Innovation
7 Nov 2023
On November 7, 2023, Mrs. Kristin Korsmeier from Unity AG gave a guest lecture to our students from the course Managing the Front End of Innovation
Kristin delivered a great talk about how foresight can help companies remain competitive in the future. Kristin also shared her hands-on experience of how to anticipate future changes in the markets and technologies, and understand their implications for future business. Over the years, we have laboured the importance of innovation foresight to our students. It was great to have Kristin’s industry inputs and validation.
UNITY AG is a management consultancy specialized in innovation and transformation.