
Call for Papers CEAR/MRIC Behavioral Insurance Workshop 2024

12 Apr 2024

The CEAR/MRIC Behavioral Insurance Workshop invites researchers to submit papers that offer new experimental, econometric or theoretical insights into human behavior in the insurance context.

For more information about accommodations and registration, please visit the event page.

Call for Papers

The CEAR/MRIC Behavioral Insurance Workshop invites researchers to submit papers that offer new experimental, econometric or theoretical insights into human behavior in the insurance context. Submissions should have an insurance and/or decision under risk and uncertainty background and establish a link to non-traditional demand or supply theories.

Behavioral economics and behavioral finance typically incorporate cognitive and social factors in modeling economic decisions. These include decisions made by the buyers and sellers of insurance-related products. The field of behavioral insurance attempts to explain many of the discrepancies between theories and observations within insurance markets.

CEAR/MRIC Behavioral Insurance Workshop 2024

The workshop will take place in Munich, Germany, on December 17/18, 2024. It will be hosted by the Munich Risk and Insurance Center (MRIC) at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) in Munich, Germany, and organized by Andreas Richter and Jörg Schiller. It will be held in cooperation with the Center for the Economic Analysis of Risk (CEAR) at Georgia State University. The preliminary schedule has Professors Christine Laudenbach (Goethe University Frankfurt) and Daniel Gottlieb (London School of Economics) giving plenary talks.

Submission Instructions

Please submit proposals electronically to as file attachment in PDF format by July 31, 2024. Authors of accepted papers will be notified by September 17, 2024 and completed papers will be due by October 31, 2024.

Scientific Review Committee

  • Glenn Harrison, Georgia State University
  • Johannes Jaspersen, LMU Munich
  • Martin Kocher, University of Vienna
  • Alexander Mürmann, Vienna University of Economics and Business
  • Charles Noussair, University of Arizona
  • Andreas Richter, LMU Munich
  • Jörg Schiller, University of Hohenheim
  • Justin Sydnor, University of Wisconsin-Madison