
Call for Applications for LMU IEC Innovation Incubator #4 - unleash the transformational power of science

26 Jul 2023

The LMU Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center IEC is now opening the application phase for the 4th edition of the LMU Innovation Incubator, starting in October 2023. Application closes September 15th 2023

WHAT: The Incubator is an exclusive 3-month early stage startup program for teams of researchers; current and alumni LMU students, and staff of all departments within LMU.

HOW: We explore and validate your ideas for impactful innovation at the nexus of academia, science and business.

  • Within the incubation phase, our participants have the opportunity to further develop their idea, learn startup methodologies, find the right focus, and bring their research into application.
  • All Incubation teams are eligible to use our IEC Co-Working Space.
  • The program will conclude with a public Event (Demo Day) where all participants get to pitch their innovative ideas in front of potential investors, Co-Founders and the LMU startup network.

FOLLOW THIS LINK for further information & application

WHEN: Application closes September 15th 2023.

> Have a glimpse on our current teams:

MetaMe (Post-Doc, Neurophilosophy): [The LMU Innovation Incubator] “guided me smoothly step-by-step to transform from a scientist’s mindset to an entrepreneurial mindset, which was amazing.”

Insyt (Post-Doc & doctoral candidate, Physics): “ I am so happy about what I learned. There is still a lot to understand, but now I feel like I know how to build a business with our innovative research.”

Sanera (Management): “I didn’t think we could find out so much in such little time. We could make some important changes in our product and market strategy.”