
And the Award goes to...

5 Jun 2023

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c.. Marko Sarstedt wins the prestigious William R. Darden Award at the 2023 Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference.

The William R. Darden Best Research Methodology Paper Award is presented by the Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference for outstanding work involving rigorous application or advancement of methods or tools in the field of marketing research. William R. Darden was an early pioneer in marketing in the application of multivariate data analysis and, in particular, structural equation modeling.

The award is given to leaders in marketing research whose work advances new knowledge and innovation in the field. The award is presented at the Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, which brings together marketing scientists from around the world to share and discuss their research findings.

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c.. Marko Sarstedt received the award for his co-authored paper "Quantifying Model Selection Uncertainty via Bootstrapping and Akaike Weights: A Multimodel Inference Approach."

In the paper, Marko Sarstedt, Edward E. Rigdon, and Ovidiu M. Moisescu present a new method to quantify measurement uncertainty in the context of model comparisons. The method can make an important contribution to significantly increasing the replicability of research results in economics.

Furthermore, Dr. Marko Sarstedt, Joe Hair and Christian M. Ringle conducted a workshop on "Introduction to Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) Using SmartPLS 4" at the conference in New Orleans and spoke on the topic of Open Science at the PhD colloquium that was held in conjunction with the conference.

The LMU Munich School of Management congratulates Marko Sarstedt on the award!