30 Jan

Risk & Microeconomics Seminar


11:30 am - 1:00 pm

30 January 2020


Room 314, Schackstr. 4/III München

General Information

The Risk and Microeconomics (R&M) Seminar series, hosted by the Munich Risk and Insurance Center, is organized by the Institute for Risk management and Insurance. The R&M Seminar aims to facilitate the scientific interaction of members of the local faculty and students with renowned visiting scholars, and the exchange of views about contemporary topics in risk and microeconomics. The seminar series is part of the Master of Business Research (MBR) degree and is supported by the Verein zur Förderung der Versicherungswissenschaft in München e.V.

Next Presentation

  • Date: tba
  • Presenter (Affiliation): tba
  • Title: tba


If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Johannes Maier (Johannes.Maier@lmu.de).

Seminar programs of past semesters