News overview

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Top Publication

Transform or be transformed: the importance of research on managing and sustaining digital transformations in European Journal of Information Systems, Vol. 32, No. 3: pp. 347-353

Carroll, Noel ; Hassan, Nik Rushdi; Junglas, Iris; Hess, Thomas ; Morgan, Lorraine (25. May 2023): Transform or be transformed: the importance of research on managing and sustaining digital transformations.

Top Publication

Transform or be transformed: the importance of research on managing and sustaining digital transformations in European Journal of Information Systems, Vol. 32, No. 3: pp. 347-353

Carroll, Noel ; Hassan, Nik Rushdi; Junglas, Iris; Hess, Thomas ; Morgan, Lorraine (25. May 2023): Transform or be transformed: the importance of research on managing and sustaining digital transformations.