Latest news and events
On this page we provide you with a quick update on our latest news and upcoming events. To see all news, please click "News Overview" or "Events Overview" for all events.
Your career network starts here with the graduate book
Reach a large number of companies and make lifelong contacts with an entry in the alumni book. Priceless memories of your student days guaranteed!
Invitation to the MMT in-person information evening on December 10th
Join our in-person event on December 10th at 6pm (CET) at LMU Campus and get answers to all your questions concerning the program and admissions!
Invitation to the MMT online information evening on February 5th
Join our online information session on February 5th at 6pm (CET) and get answers to all your questions concerning the program and admissions!
Current events for students
There are no events available at the moment.