
VHB Course “Methods of Interviewing”

31 Mar 2023

Two LMU SOM doctoral students took part in the course “Methods of Interviewing” organised by the German Academic Association for Business Research (VHB) in Berlin.

The workshop “Methods of Interviewing”, organised by the German Academic Association for Business Research (VHB) in Berlin, taught doctoral students the theoretical and methodological foundations for developing, conducting and analyzing qualitative interviews in management research. It was held by Prof. Dr. Olivier Berthod from ICN Business School, and Dr. Manuel Nicklich from the FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg and included theoretical foundations and practical exercises. In the workshop LMU SOM’s doctoral students Melissa Brunner from the Professorship for International Management and Kai Moßmann from the Institute of Accounting and Control had the opportunity to expand their qualitative research skills for their research projects.