
Lecture for Mature Students (in German)

10 Jun 2023

As part of the "Science Spectrum" lecture cycle (in German), Prof. Tenzer will speak about cultural and language diversity in global virtual teams on June 14th.

In the current summer semester, the extensive study program for mature students at the LMU also includes the public lecture cycle "Spectrum of Sciences". In this series of lectures (in German), newly appointed professors at the LMU provide insights into their research fields and renowned emeritus personalities take an individual look at the development of their research area. On June 14th, 2023 from 4.15-5.45 p.m., Prof. Tenzer, as a representative of the newly appointed economics professors, will present her current research on cultural and language diversity in global virtual teams. In addition to the numerous challenges of globally distributed teams, management strategies are also discussed, with the help of which the creative and innovative potential of virtual teams can be used in the best possible way.