
Students in the work area in the library

Bachelor Thesis

empirical and theoretical bachelor thesis
Free scientific work of
80,000 characters (incl. spaces) for PStO 2024
70,000 characters (incl. spaces) for PStO 2015
and a presentation in the colloquium
Processing time
10 weeks for PStO 2024
8 weeks for PStO 2015
Depending on topic; if necessary, previous attendance of the Consumer Insights course or the main seminar at IMM (but above all note on account statement: Eligibility for admission to Bachelor thesis)

Master Thesis

empirical and theoretical master theses
approx. 120,000-140,000 characters (incl. spaces) of free scientific work and a presentation in the colloquium
Processing time
22 weeks
none (for exceptions see the individual topic suggestions)


If you would like to write your thesis at our chair, you have two options.

You can apply for a thesis from one of our research areas. If you are interested in writing a thesis, please send the completed form (PDF, 1,819 KB), your curriculum vitae and a current credit point account statement to In case of acceptance, the exact topic will be given to you in an interview by your contact person. Before registering your thesis, we will jointly agree on a synopsis of your topic, which will serve as a guideline for your work.

Furthermore, you can propose a thesis (also in cooperation with a company) yourself. For this purpose, please write an exposé (max. 1 page), which you send to together with the completed form, your CV and a current credit point account statement. If companies are involved, there are additional guidelines to follow: You must note our student guidelines and sign and submit them to your assigned faculty contact prior to registering your work. In addition, our practice guidelines apply, which are to be sent to the company as a written document if required and signed by a representative of the company as well as by a member of the chair. We generally reserve the right to make an internal decision regarding the acceptance of self-selected topics.

For Bachelor's theses, we would like to receive an application approx. 4-6, for Master's theses approx. 6-8 weeks before the desired starting date.

The topics can be worked on in English or German.

While working on a thesis, each of our students takes part in our colloquium, which takes place every two weeks on Wednesday evenings. Each student reports once in a lecture about the progress of the work. We expect you to attend these colloquia and, in the interest of the quality of the work, hope for a lively discussion in a friendly atmosphere.

Please submit open questions to If possible, please refrain from contacting us through other channels.


Here you can find our detailed guidelines for editing theses including the formal requirements:

Furthermore, you can download our guidelines (you will receive the password from your contact person):

Information about the submission

Please inform yourself about the valid procedure for submission to the ISC.

Additional relevant data sets and results (SPSS output, Excel charts, literature tables, questionnaires, special graphs, etc.) have to be handed in additionally.