Foundations of Value Management (formerly Convincing Stakeholders)


Each winter semester
2 hours lecture / 4 hours tutorials per week
Written exam of 150 minutes (closed book) for PStO 2018 (Convincing Stakeholders)
Written exam of 120 minutes (closed book) for PStO 2024 (Foundations of Value Management)
9 ECTS in "Fachspezifische Grundlagen" according to PStO 2018 & PStO 2024
Contact person:
Juliane Gabel
Retake exam:


A changing global landscape in which businesses operate necessitates a focus on effective and efficient value management, encompassing value creation, transfer, and capture as well as addressing a variety of stakeholders.

In this course, we see value management as a process. First, we discuss the foundation of value management through communication from various perspectives. On the company level, the course deals with central company values and describes how to leverage corporate communications in order to achieve competitive advantages. On an individual level, the course describes the fundamentals of business negotiations with a specific focus on negotiation techniques. Second, building on this foundation, we dive deeper into types of value management namely for customers (other-oriented) and for managers (self-oriented). Value management for customers discusses the principles of consumer decision-making as a basis for improved customer value management. Value management for managers on the other hand also dives into how to bring together organizational goals and values. Finally, we discuss value management decisions are enacted through innovation, exploring both value creation and value capture dynamics. The lectures and tutorials comprise exercises and a broad range of case studies.

The goals of the course are:

  • Students gain a broad understanding of how to effectively manage value within firms.
  • They further understand how companies achieve competitive advantages with the help of the central value drivers and communication methods.


The course is for Master of Science students only. The course comprises a 2-hour lecture, a 4-hour tutorial including a Negotiation Workshop. The course is held in collaboration with the Institute for Marketing, the Institute of Innovation Management, and the Institute of Strategic Management. Please also check the internet pages of those institutes Participants from the Foundations of Value Management exam at the other institutes are automatically registered for the Foundations of Value Management exam at the Institute for Market-based Management. No registration for the course is required.

Syllabus (PDF, 206 KB)