Social Entrepreneurship

Work with social entrepreneurs to scale their business models and impact in this applied seminar.

  • DE - Bitte beachten: Es gibt keine deutsche Kursseite, da der Kurs nur in Englisch angeboten wird.
  • EN - Please note: This page has no German version because the course is only offered in English.

Quick Info: Master | Seminar | English | Winter Semester | 5 - 6 ECTS


Social Entrepreneurship - SEA:lab
Institute for Innovation Management in cooperation with Technical University of Munich (TUM) and the Munich University of Applied Sciences (HM)
Prof. Oliver Alexy - Professor for Strategic Entrepreneurship, TU Munich

Prof. Jelena Spanjol - Professor and Head, Institute for Innovation Management (IIM), LMU Munjich

Anne Dörner - Head of Social Start-up Consulting and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Social Entrepreneurship Akademie (SEA)

Carola Vogel - Head of Qualification, Social Entrepreneurship Akademie (SEA) & TU Munich
4 SWS; 5 meetings (9 hours per meeting)
Target Group
15 min. presentation (50%) and a seminar paper of 22,200 signs (50%) per person. Additional details will be provided during the course.
START with Business Modelling (recommended)
Course Material
Slides and mandatory readings online
Every winter semester
5 - 6 according to your university
Application / Participation
Course content
Course objective
Exam registration
Cancellation of registration

About SEA:lab:

Ever since Bill Drayton coined the term "Social Entrepreneurship" in the 1970s, ventures focused on solving societal challenges have both grown in number and become increasingly successful. From Muhammad Yunus’ Grameen Danone, to Munich-based Polarstern Energie, and Recup, social enterprises seek to create economic and societal value. Social entrepreneurship leads to the establishment of such social enterprises by identifying a social problem, recognizing an opportunity for a corresponding solution, and creating an enterprise for implementing the solution and effecting transformative change.1

The SEA:lab is an inter- and transdisciplinary seminar that focusses on social entrepreneurship. In this hands-on seminar, which takes place on 5 block sessions, you will actively work with a team of five international master students. Their main task is to design and evaluate an appropriate strategy to solve key challenges on your road to scale your social impact internationally. The seminar is a joint format by the Social Entrepreneurship Akademie, the Technical University Munich, and LMU University.

1 (See, for example, Martin, R. L., & Osberg, S. (2007), "Social entrepreneurship: The case for definition," Stanford Social Innovation Review, 5 (2), 28-39.)

What you will learn:

  • what social entrepreneurship and social enterprises are;
  • what impact means across businesses and sectors;
  • how to identify, understand, and solve a critical challenge faced by a real social enterprise seeking to maximize impact;
  • how to consult for clients from the social impact sector;
  • how to work in a diverse team.

How you apply to participate in SEA:lab

The seminar can accommodate up to 25 students. In order to apply for the seminar, please follow the relevant procedure:

  • TUM students: For students of the School of Management, please apply through the TUM School of Management’s central online tool. Please make sure to provide a cover letter and an up-to-date CV there. For all other students, please send a cover letter, up-to-date CV, and grade transcript to before October 1st, 2024. Given some central processes at the School of Management, we can only inform you about the outcome of your application about 1-2 weeks prior to the kick-off.
  • LMU students: Apply by October 1, 2024, via this application form (or copy the following URL: )and have your cover letter, up-to-date CV, and grade transcript ready to upload. You will be notified of the outcome about October 5, 2024, end of day, at which point you will need to confirm your participation. All administrative information can be found in the LSF_Social Entrepreneurship.
  • Important Note for "Prüfungsordnung 2015": When choosing your seminars, please remember that you can only take one seminar in the Innovation XII module to complete the module, as each module can only be selected once.

How you will work:

You will…

  • learn about theories, frameworks, methods, and techniques relevant to social entrepreneurship and your project in each of the five scheduled course sessions;
  • work in small teams (maximally five students per team) on a challenge faced by a social venture;
  • conduct the project autonomously (i.e., YOU are the driver of the project and responsible for a successful outcome) and assist the partnered social venture as a consultant with a final presentation at the end of the semester and a written report detailing the recommended actions;
  • work in an English course environment (i.e., lectures and course materials are in English, and you will develop the presentation and report in English).

Formal course requirements:

  • Mandatory participation in all five course meetings.
  • Mandatory status updates with your coaches (assigned in the 1st course meeting) around the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th course meeting.
  • The final examination consists of two components, each carrying 50% of the final course grade: (1) a 15-minute presentation during the 5th course meeting and (2) a final report of ca. 22,200 characters due four weeks after the 5th course meeting. (Additional details will be provided during the course.)

Mandatory Course Meetings for student pariticipants

Tuesday, Oct. 15, 2024 09:30 - 17:30h (1st Course Meeting)

Tuesday, Nov. 05, 2024 13:00 - 17:30h (2nd Course Meeting)

Tuesday, Dec. 03, 2024 13:00 - 17:30h (3rd Course Meeting)

Tuesday, Jan. 07, 2025 13:00 - 17:30h (4th Course Meeting)

Tuesday, Feb. 04, 2025 09:30 - 17:30h (5th Course Meeting & Final Presentations)

Location for Kick-Off: Entrepreneurship Center, TUM, Lichtenbergstraße 6, 85748 Garching bei München.

Information on meeting location(s) will be communicated the week before the first meeting. To the location, please check back often LSF for possible changes.

Partner Social Enterprises:

will be communicated soon.

Any Questions?

In case of questions on the registration, please refer to

For more information please contact