Example detail page

Example for a simple detail page.

Großes Bild, Headline

Introduction text, Standard



The text above the slider is optional, max. 320 characters. The slider appears withing the page. There must be at least 2 images in the slider, max. 32.


Bild-Text-Absatz - Standard module text only (ist möglich)


"Text" is mandatory. There is no word limit. The image is optional and can be positioned left or right. Instead of the image you may use a link box. There are different types. It is also possible to set regular links in the text field.

Accordion (standard)

Every accordion elemente needs a headline that is visible at all times.

There must be a text that becomes visible on opening the accordion element.

In the editing dialog there is a list of the accordion elements. On mouseover a drag&drop icon becomes visible. There are also arrows pointing up and down. You may use either option.


1. term
1. description
the 5th term
will be hidden
to see the terms after the 5th
you have to expand the list using "+"
this is
what it looks like

Accessible table

optional table caption
Headline column 1Headline column 2
Enter your text hereEach column needs a headline
Each cell must have textTable cells must not be merged
Tables may only be used for tabular data, not for arranging text on a pageif in doubt, do not use tables. Rather lists or profiles

Accessible table

optional table caption
Headline column 1Headline column 2
Enter your text hereEach column needs a headline
Each cell must have textTable cells must not be merged
Tables may only be used for tabular data, not for arranging text on a pageif in doubt, do not use tables. Rather lists or profiles


video player

If you click to view this video your personal data will be transmitted to YouTube and cookies may also be stored on your device. LMU has no influence over how any such data is transmitted or indeed over its further usage.

More information available here: LMU data protection policy, data protection policy from YouTube / Google

4 Aug 2023


Prof. Dr. Thomas Hess

Head of Institute

  • There are no current news available at the moment.


Building blocks of the MMT

Management and digital technologies
The courses combine content from business and informatics. The course formats are highly interactive and some are conducted as "project courses" in collaboration with industry partners.
The courses address digital technologies from a business perspective.
Digital technologies
The courses cover digital technologies from a technological perspective.
Elective courses
Opportunity to choose courses from business and computer science according to individual preferences and interests. Both faculties offer a substantial catalog of courses. Each student must earn 24 ECTS-credits, of which at least 12 credits are in informatics and 6 in business.
Closing module
Write your master thesis on a relevant topic at an Institute of the LMU Munich School of Management or the Institute of Computer Science.

Bild-Text-Absatz - Standard module text only (ist möglich)

© pixabay

"Text" is mandatory. There is no word limit. The image is optional and can be positioned left or right. Instead of the image you may use a link box. There are different types. It is also possible to set regular links in the text field.

Bild-Text-Absatz - Standard module text only (ist möglich)

© pexels

"Text" is mandatory. There is no word limit. The image is optional and can be positioned left or right. Instead of the image you may use a link box. There are different types. It is also possible to set regular links in the text field.

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