Our Teaching

We offer a variety of interesting classes to our students on both, undergraduate and graduate levels. Our goal is to prepare students perfectly for practice.


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Courses in Summer Semester 2024

Master of Business Research (MBR)

Courses in Winter Semester 2024/2025



  • Readings in Finance & Insurance

Master of Business Research (MBR)

  • Experimental Methods, every semester
  • Readings in Finance & Insurance


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B.Sc. Thesis

  • Bachelor theses are jointly coordinated with the Institute for Risk Management and Insurance.
  • For further information as well as for a detailed description of the application process please visit the website of the Institute for Risk Management and Insurance.
  • The thesis has to be presented in our bachelor thesis colloquium.

M.Sc. Thesis

  • Master theses can be started throughout the entire year.
  • If you are interested in writing your master thesis with us, please email Johannes Jaspersen at jaspersen@lmu.de.
  • Your email should include a current transcript of grades and an indication in which of our research topics you would like to write your thesis.
  • In case you want to propose your own topic, please provide a detailed description of the topic, the methodology you intend to use and the academic literature to which your topic connects (with a maximum of two pages, not including references).

Letter of Recommendation

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We are happy to provide letters of recommendation (maximum 5 per student) for academic applications. The prerequisite is that you have participated in at least one course of the professorship.

Please contact Andreas Dambaur with your request at least four weeks before the submission deadline during the semester, and at least six weeks during the semester break. Please be sure to include all required documents with your request.

To process your request, please send us the following documents with your request:

  • Current grade transcript
  • Current curriculum vitae
  • 1-2 page letter of motivation for the planned project
  • A cover letter with the following information
    • your contact details
    • by when you need the letter of recommendation
    • for which institution(s) you need the letter of recommendation
    • for which study program you would like to apply
    • in which language the letter of recommendation should be written
    • how and to whom the letter of recommendation should be sent (e-mail, postal mail, online portal,...)
    • if applicable, forms to be filled out by us