Honour for Dominik Bär
27 Apr 2023
Dominik Bär has been awarded "AI Newcomer of the Year" by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research for his work on protecting against fake news in social media.
27 Apr 2023
Dominik Bär has been awarded "AI Newcomer of the Year" by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research for his work on protecting against fake news in social media.
© RODNAE Productions via pexel
AI researcher Dominik Bär (a member of Prof. Feuerriegel's team at LMU Munich) has been awarded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research for his work on the protection against fake news in social media.
Bavarian Broadcasting also reported on this great success: "Dominik Bär from LMU Munich was awarded for his AI research in the field of social media. Bär wants to use AI to solve social problems and improve social media. Bär's research, he says, aims above all to have a positive impact on society by curbing the spread of misinformation, propaganda and conspiracy theories on social media."
Currently, for example, I am researching how we can prevent the spread of propaganda on social media.Award winner Dominik Bär AI-camp website